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There's to much going on right about now

Why now?

My chests feels so tight and I'm trying to be silent

I can't breathe

I sound like I've never learnt how to breathe

I just want everything to stop or slowdown

Fuck fuck fuck

I'm a fed up

She asked

"Are you okay?"

And I responded no

And then I said

It doesn't matter wether I am or aren't okay

I never let them see the woest of me

I can't let anyone in

I can't let anyone see

I just vent through words and edits that nobody ever has to see

Keep myself hidden

Why is it so hard to numb emotions?

Is there a fucking guide somewhere?

Yeha no

I can't do this

I can't I just can't

I'm tryin

But everything happening

I can't breathe

I need everyone to shut Up

In sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

I can't do this

Everyone needs to stop

Please I can't take it anymore

I want everyone to shut up


Why am I like this?
Drown it all out with music

Breathe and be fine

I will be fine

It's so loud

But so are they

I'm scratching at my skin

I don't wanna do that again

I always ask - if there okay
But when they hear mine they never ask

Why is it like that?

What did I do wrong?

Why am I I over thinkng

I need to breathe

I need something

I'm just going to sit here and cry until I can breathe

Everything will be okay

Everything has to be okay

Eveurthingis always okay


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