Why wont you leave me alone?

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Why don't you understand?

I don't want you

Your constantly in my head fucking with me

I don't deserve this..

Get out of my head get out get out

I know it's not real

I know I'm only imagining her voice

I just want to be normal

Why won't you leave me ALONE?!

You fuck up everything

I wish I could just forget everything

I could talk to someone

I could

But nobody knows how to deal with how fucked up I am

They don't know what to say

Either that or their more focused on their self

I'm turning into such a dick

Over memory's

All these thoughts filling my head

I want loud music but my head still kinda hurts

I just wish it would all stop

For five minuets

So I could sort my thoughts or have a break

I just want it to all stop..

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