Seperation days diary

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Sooo I decided if I'm going to enjoy these two days off of whatever platforms I'm on I'll document it, so I know in the future stuff that helps :)

~ Night 1 ~

My brothers gone on holiday with a mate, my step mum is in hospital and will be overnight but hopefully nothing to worry about, my dads bringing her stuff so I'm home alone for a couple hours

I've played my ukulele and made a few songs

I ate some soup, it was pretty good but we don't have any bread :(

Just chilling on my brothers bed in the living room and playing my ukulele so far, I've got messages from some people but I've deleted some of the social medias

Still going to watch YouTube and Netflix etc because they entertain me but it's nice to have a break

Working on a whole paragraph+ for someone, I think it'll be good to get it off my mind. Initially I was thinking I would write down every anger and grudge I have against everyone and then burn the letters, but I think some people need to hear what I have to say.. so maybe I'll tell them..

Anyway apart from that and the slight stress and worry for my step mum everything's going good, going to my nans tomorrow which should be fun

Anyway that's all for now, I'll probably update this tomorrow but I'm semi staying away from my phone. Adios :)

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