My head is everywhere

2 2 0

Like Jesus

NoBodY asKeD

Okay so I'm helping my friends

And every bit of advice I say I want to say something about myself

But in my head all I can hear is

"Nobody cares and nobody asked"

I feel like I'm screaming endlessly

I don't wanna cry but I feel like I'm constantly holding back tears

I'm laughing at myself

Like wow

All of this


Just wow

Talk about dropping out of things

I just fully flopped

I faceplanted strait into the ground

(Maybe that's why my head hurts-)

The first time I've laughed in a week and it's at myself

Everything Pisses me off and I just constantly want to cry

I haven't left my bed tonight

My stomach is eating me but dads cooking so I need to eat all of that

I went to bed at 00:45

And I woke up at like 5:30 ish

I've been on and off sleeping

I kinda wanna eat but idk if I'll be sick it's been getting better over the past two days

I probably need to get changed n brush my hair so I atleast look like I'm normal when I go eat

Everything just feels like it's moving way to fast

Anyway I need to go eat

Expect more of these I've been ranting privately and non privately all day so there will definitely be more of these

Peace ✌️

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