I mean- CoNfUsIon

8 2 2

I think I've figuered it out



Gender fluid

I think

Some days I want to feel masculine and I want to be a boy

And other days I wanna wear dresses and skirts and be as feminine as I can be-

I even went as far as making a binder

Out of a literal swimming costume

Ive made rules though

1. I have to be able to breathe properly and I have to be comfortable

2. Because it's home made, I'm only allowed to wear it for 1-3 hours at a time then I have to take it off for Atleast 5-6 hours then if I want to I can put it on for a while again

3. If I find it hard to breathe or my chest hurts ever so slightly it comes strait off

I know it's probably dangerous to bind with a 'diy' or 'fake' binder

But idc anymore..

I have my rules

As for the bisexual thing,

Female and the other respective genders (non binary, gender fluid etc etc)

I know that's probably offensive saying other respective genders

I don't intend to offended anyone

I just don't want to say 'other' genders

Anyway what have I learnt?

Sexuality and gender identity is confusing

Anywayyyss I wanna go write some angsty shit to get rid of oppressed emotions

Adios hoomans :)

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