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Because I don't want to


Because nothings worked so far I feel like I've got an uncurebale mental disease that is uncurable and nobody knows what to say or what to do with me and my emotions so they just don't bother and then I regret opening my mouth at all bc I knew he would do this to me but I never thought about it because I thought he could help me but he didn't and know we're not talking and he hates me and it's agony because I don't know what to do anymore and I'm running out of excuses and options and I've been avoiding tidying my room because I know I'll find my blade and I know what I'm gunna do so avoid doing it which upsets my dad who then acts like the victim when I know he's not and so I try and clear my head but it doesn't work so I'm annoyed. My body's fucked just fucked and I just want to be normal again- for fucks sake are you happy now?

Very much so

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