Losing battle?

12 1 0

I just can't have one normal day can I? Nothing can go okay

Nothing at all

Because aparently I don't ducking desrve that or some shit

I mean at this point even if it hurt people it is very appealing

I almost want to upset people and hurt them

If I can't be happy then why should they be?

That's stupid

Who says it is? They all believe me when I act like you

I say it is and this is my mind

Corrupted by mental illness- is that what you want me to write on your grave?

There isn't gunna be a grave

That's not what you were thinking last night, then again things change don't they?


Wow you can't even think of anything to say back. No wonder you want to hurt people your such a sour little bitter bitch and people actually like you? Stop making excuses your gunna die either way. And stop being a hypocrite really it's not fun is it?

I mean strictly speaking the only reason people care is because you make them feel better

And that's a good thing

Is it really? They don't want you for you they want you for themselves no wonder your so bitter


Am I really lying? Oh wait maybe your just

Making it up

I mean honestly who's going to believe you?


Here lies the body of a broken girl, who killed herself because she realised she was faking everything and that everything she did was pointless. She's a monster because her thrive is hurting people.

Your lying- I'm not like that- and I can't be faking- am I faking?

Well it's obvious, why do you think they don't care? Because they know your faking it and they don't want to feed your attention.

If that's right then why are they still my friends?

There not


Again they only pity you and they want to feel better about themselves, you don't really make anyone feel better your just a charity case.

So you admit there's something wrong with me?

See, there we go, constantly wanting something to be wrong because the truth is you know nothings wrong. It shows obviously and your weak, run along love. Casting call.

I'm not faking it! I think..? But if I was then why do I feel like this?

You don't, again writing this whole thing is for attention, so your not sad your just a jealous pathetic bitch
You should seriously just hang yourself, there isn't enough excuses to last a lifetime. Because you really think anyone loves you? You weren't good enough for her. Because she left. She never loved you and she even wanted you. Your friends don't love you either and they never will, they remind you of who you used to be, who they liked, the happy you. But no you had to ruin that for them because you couldn't cope on your own. Well guess what your pathetic. You overthink everything and you think everyone is copying you. There not. your just jealous and attention seeking. So run along now. You have expectations to live up to, Failure.

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