Chapter 59

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You walked over towards were she wrote her message, you walked along the river of blood she had created to get there. She had written in another language, probably to throw off the murder if they were to find it.

"(Y/n), watashi wa anata ga made koko ni iru koto o shitte imasu. Anata.... Wa san-ri ga karera o tomenakereba naranai." You read it out loud, your voice shaking with fear as you pronounced each word.

"What bullshit are you on about?" Hank asked, he hadn't been paying much attention. "(Y/n), watashi wa anata ga made koko ni iru koto o shitte imasu. Anata Wa san-ri ga karera o tomenakereba naranai." You repeated, your voice filled with panic. "That was her dying message!" You cried. Hank didn't know why you were acting like this. "Hey kid, breath, what does it mean?" Hank rested his hand on your shoulder and was just trying his best to calm you down. "It's... It's directed at me! She knew who I was! I don't understand!" You were just panicking. "Hey! Calm the fuck down. Hold your breathe and count to ten. I'm not going to have you pass out on me." Hank shook you a little as he instructed you. You did as he said with tears in your eyes.

"Now, what do you mean it's directed at you?" Hank asked you, his voice sounded like the kind you'd use with I toddler. You took another deep breath to collect yourself "it says "(y/n), I know you're still here. You three have to stop this." I don't know how she knows my name or why she wrote it." Your voice had grown quiet. Hank was silent as he processed it. "It could always be another (Y/n)." Hank said. "Why would you write a note for someone if you knew they'd never see it? Besides, what if I knew her?" You spoke quickly. "When would you've met her? Connor or I have barely left your side the entire time you've been alive." Hank was trying to talk sense into you. "The DPD isn't my first story..." You mumbled, realizing you had never told Hank about any of it. "That wouldn't make any sense kid. You're a prototype." He wouldn't believe anything you were saying. "Hank, I have scattered memories of a place I scarcely remember. I remember certain people that were with me. I don't know how to make it make sense but I know it's real." You pleaded for him to just believe you.

"I- I know what happened here. I can give a thorough report... Please, I just don't want to be here anymore." You looked straight at the ground as you asked Begged. "Yeah, let's get you out of here." Hank walked with you out of the room and told you to just head to the car as you tossed you the keys, he needed to speak with a couple people before you could just leave.

You stepped into the car and immediately started your report, wanting to just be done, your eyes fluttered as you filled it out. As you finished you could see Hank exiting the club walking briskly towards the car. You just lied down in the back seat and fell asleep, you couldn't go any longer.

Hank got into the car as you slumped down to take a nap. Luckily for you it was the end of Hanks and your shift. The scene had taken so long that you'd also done your overtime. With a sigh, Hank started to drive you home.


Hank knocked on the door and Connor opened it with a puzzled look. "Oh, hello Lieutenant... Where's (Y/n)?" He asked. "Asleep... I'm too old to pick her up, so that's on you." Hank said as he pointed to his car behind him. Connor didn't have to be asked twice, he retrieved you and you didn't even flinch, you were out cold. He put you to bed before returning to Hank. "Do you want something to drink or eat?" Connor offered. "Coffee if you have it." Hank requested. Connor get to work on making it as Hank sat at the counter. "How's everything been going?" Hank asked. "Ah, for the most part, things are done in the house. Just a couple more rooms to be painted and furnished." Connor informed as he handed the older man a hot mug and went to put away clean dishes from the sink. "So... What's all this stuff about (Y/n) having a life before the DPD?" Hank asked nonchalantly. Connor dropped the glass he had in his hand and fumbled around to catch it before it hit the ground and shattered. "She told you?" Connor was shocked. "Yeah, completely freaked out at the murder scene today." Hank said before he took a sip of his coffee. This time Connor couldn't save the cup and it shattered on the ground. He just crouched down and put his hands over his face to collect himself. He took a deep breath before going to pick up the bigger pieces of glass. "What happened?" Connor asked, his concern showing blatantly. He stood up to throw the pieces away. "Apparently, the victim might have known her during that time. She freaked when she read the message they left for her." Hank recalled. Connor whipped his head around to look at Hank..... He dropped the glass that was in his hands and it shattered into tinnier pieces. "You know what? I'll just clean it up later!" He threw his hands up in defeat before going to take a seat to give Hank his full attention. "What did it say?" Connor asked completely serious. "They said they knew she was still around and that her and two others had to stop something." Hank shrugged, not remembering it perfectly. Connor thought about it for a little bit "two others? She can only recall one person and she can't even remember her face or name." Connor told Hank. "Hmm, then there must be a third party she doesn't remember at all that's still around. Or maybe the note really did have nothing to do with her." Hank suggested.

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