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      Scrolling through my phone  to distract myself from thinking about Taehyung, my mom's voice echoed all around the home. Hmmm she might got her lucky cookie. Well lucky her. "Hana....Hana...dear come down quick". She called me with a happy voice. Sighing and walking down I found my mom with her phone in hand. She immediately hugged me and started squealing like a high school girl.
"Mom what happened? . You seem so happy". Its good to see her happy after the incident.
"I am happy Hana. You won't believe what I'm about to say".
"What mom?".
"Taehyung agreed to marry you. He even said to fix the marriage date soon".
Wait...what??? This s impossible. HE AGREED TO MARRY ME 😱😱. But how come ?. Maybe Emily has her part in this also.
"Hana aren't you happy ?".
Happy? Am I happy ?. A part of me s happy seeing that I'm gonna marry my FIRST LOVE. But a part of me s guilty to separate the couple. My face s blank and my mom tensed with my reaction. "Hana ....dear...say something!". 
"Mom r u joking?....if it s then I'm gonna kill you".
"No Hana ...I'm not kidding. Taehyung really agreed to marry you. Even he said it himself to me in phone". She said laughing. Okay this s weird. Really weird. "Okay Taehyung agreed....what's your answer Hana?".
Will I be happy after the marriage?. will HE be happy with this marriage?. All sort of doubts flooded my mind. But seeing my mom's happy face, I don't wanna destroy it.
"Okay....I'll marry him". Was my answer. Everything happens fr a reason and I believe that a lot. So we will go with the flow.
Mom started screening dad's name and searched fr him to say the news. Walking back to my room , I found my phone beeping. A message came. FROM TAEHYUNG.

     "Come to the usual place at 4". Was it. Okay maybe he wanna talk about the marriage. Still I have half an hour ,so I started getting dressed. Reaching the usual place which was a park near our home, I saw him sitting in one of the swings. Deep breath Hana...deep breath ..whatever happens u face it with courage. Its our friend Taetae , he won't hurt you , so be normal. Encouraging myself I stood in front of him. He acknowledged my presence and stood up. "You heard about my answer?".
"What s ur answer fr the marriage Hana?".
"I said yes". I said him in a whisper.
"Good ...good...so u r gonna be my wife!!". Its not a question but its not a statement either. I gave him a confused smile and
"I'm sorry Tae... For everything that happened". I still feel guilty fr what happened.
"No ...no..don't be. Saying sorry won't change the fact that Emily left me and it won't change the fact that u r a selfish girl with whom I shared my whole life".
What did just say...me ..selfish?. If I'm selfish  I would have broke their relation years before. If im selfish  I would have said my love to you earlier itself.
"Tae...what ur saying?".
"You heard me Hana and don't call me Tae from now".
Okay that hurts.

     "I'm gonna marry you and be with you but its not fr any of our parents words. Its fr my revenge. I'm gonna give you the pain which you gave me Hana. I'm gonna make ur life hell. I'm gonna ruin you so bad that u will beg me to give you divorcé". How correct my guessing was. He will never marry me. He s doing it fr revenge which  I deserve. Somehow I gave him pain and I'm gonna do whatever it takes fr him to forgive me. Even if I'm gonna cry all day.

"Mark my words Hana. I really mean it". Saying so he left me standing there with eyes wide. Tae s really a cute and bubbly guy but if you step on his wrong side, you wish you never met him in your life. His duality s very dangerous. And I'm now on his wrong side. There s no way to escape now. Even if I call off the engagement,Taehyunh won't allow it. He s so strong with his words and decision. So God should only help me and be by my side.


     I left her and made my way home. My mom's voice can be heard from outside. She s happy. Everyone s happy in this marriage except me. But I'll make Hana suffer. Thats a promise. Entering inside mom called me to the kitchen and made me sit. She gave a set of dates which I think are marriage dates. All dates a around 3 to 4 months from now but I want to make it quick so that I can start my torture. One date caught my eyes, its June 17 which s one month from now. Perfect....perfect date fr my plan.
"June 17" pointing at the date I told her which gained a frown on her face.
"Tae its one month from now. Do you want it that much quickly?".
"Yes". Not much words were spoken,  she gave me a nod and started talking to dad on the phone. Getting myself up, i speed walked to fridge to get something to eat. There was a bottle filled with my favorite strawberry milkshake made by Hana. It disgust me to know how fake she was with me all the time. Even if she confessed to me I would have talked about it with her and solved the problem. But no instead she broke my relationship. And she thinks I belong to her. I may belong her by law within one month but my heart will belong only to Emily even if s with me or not. Seeing that I lost my appetite and made my way to sleep. 

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