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      What?!!.....he s in love with Hana...as in Lee Hana....as in now the Kim Hana....as in my wife.....wait ignore the last sentence. With wide eyes I turned to see Jimin who was looking at her with heart eyes. Really Jimin!!!!.... Does she know that?. Does she also likes Jimin?. But Emily said Hana was in love with me fr ages.

      My thoughts flew out of my mind with the heavy loud sound of music. There she was , standing in the center getting hyped up with the music. The music started and she started dancing. I know that she dances but I didnt know that she dances really well. The way her body follows her moves. Her suitable expression fr the beats. Her body posture. Damn she s good.

      "She good right?... Damn look at her...looking and dancing like a queen she s". Does he know that she's married?.
"Jimin hmm...she has a wedding ring on her finger. Is she married?".
"Unfortunately yes...she s married. But she s not happy in that marriage". How can he say that?. Did she tell him?.
"How do you  know that?".
"Taehyung I've known her fr 2 and a half years. She s a bubbly girl. But after her marriage she didn't come to dance. One day when I saw her, her face was swollen and had finger prints. She said that its because she slept on the wrong side of the bed....but I can say that she was lying that time. It clearly shows that someone slapped her. And when she came yesterday to dance , she didnt seem the same old Hana we know. She might be bubbly and energetic but her dance moves tell us everything".
Wow....he did know a lot about her.
"How can you say that with dance moves?". 
"We all dance to express our emotions Taehyung.  In her moves there will be passion but yesterday her moves all had some kind of.....stress. Like she s dancing to get her mind free from something that bugging her".
I've been with her from childhood when compared to Jimin but I don't know anything like this about her. He surely did observe her well.

      The music stopped with her standing like a flower in the left corner. The evil chick who happens to love my Hana.....urggg.. What's wrong with me ???....really MY Hana😑😑.
Jimin started clapping  his hands like a child with his heart eyes. Hana stood there smiling seeing him cheer her. My hands automatically clapped with him. She really deserves a clap fr her dance. The teacher called her and said something which resulted her to look in my direction and give me a .....smirk😳. Did she just smirk at me!!.. What is she thinking??. Ohh God pls don't make anything wrong. Her smirk indicates some moments which you will never forget in your life and now its gonna be a moment to write in my life history.


       The teacher called me and said to dance a solo sexy dance. I don't dance sexy cause I don't think I'm good in that category but I thought of wanting some revenge. In some other words I need to see some reaction from Taehyung other than his blank face towards me. I gave him a smirk which resulted him visibly tensed. Wait.....you catty tiger....I'll prove you wrong.

     Taking the center spot, I waited fr the music to start. Both the tiger and chick seemed to be confused that y I'm standing cause I've never done solo before.  I always work in groups. This s my first solo and I'm gonna do it in front of Taehyung and that too a sexy one. The song played which s one of my favorites. Its Lip and Hip by Hyuna. She would have danced like a queen she s in that and now I'm a bit afraid. I just hope I don't embrassess myself.

       With the self encouragement, I started to dance to that song. It was a full pack moves which needed a sexy vibe and a good stamina. Finishing my moves and giving a wink in the end to finish my dance, I turned to see everyone clapping and cheering fr me. I felt happy. I did good without any mistakes. Wow....great Hana...way to go. At the far corner stood the  duo with wide mouth and owl eyes.😂😂. Their reactions are the best. Should have captured it in camera. Walking my way towards them, chimchim started to get his focus back whereas our hero was still in shock.

        "Would you mind give me a water bottle? Chimchim". I pointed towards the table behind them but chimchim gave me his water bottle that he had in his hand. After few seconds Taehyung seemed to land on earth who blinked his eyes and stared at me like a child who went on rollercoaster. This reaction s better than the blank face he gives me.

      "Wow...Hana...never knew you could dance like that. That was great. You should really do solos from now on". Chimchim said which I thanked kindly. We both turned to Taehyung to say anything.
"Yeah ....that's...that's...good".
He shuttered..
The Kim Taehyung shuttered. Good job girl.
"So Hana.... If you're free tonight...maybe we can grab some dinner. What do you say ?". Jimin asked. I turned to see Taehyung's face which again had a blank expression. Even before I open my mouth Taehyung beat up to me. 


     Is he even real...he s asking her on a date in front of her husband. Ohh wait he didn't know that we are married. But will she go?. She saw my face fr a second and opened her mouth to answer. Damn I know that look ... She will definitely go.
"Actually we are having family dinner at our place tonight. So she won't come. right Hana?".
What did I just say .....God pls control my mouth sometimes.😫😫.  Both head turned to face me with shock. Who wouldn't. Even I'm shock with my answer.
"What? Y do she have dinner in your place?".  Jimin asked with confusion dripping down his face. Even Hana had the same face.
"Huh....". What should I do. .....
I walked and stood beside Hana. Taking her hand in mine, I stated

  "We are married Jimin. Hana s my wife".

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