Chapter 30: Taken

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Guess who's writing this chapter in class??


Anyways we love failing but moving on...


"You're pregnant?" I question, trying to comprehend what she had just told me.

She nods in an upset manner leaving me confused as I had always assumed that they would love to have a child.

"Then what's the problem?" I question curiously, still comforting Fiorella.

"What if he's angry at me?" She says on the brink of tears again.

I scoff, "girl if he was going to be angry at you he should have wrapped his damn penis up!" I state, chuckling at her thoughts.

"He did, it was just... big." She awkwardly mentions causing me to screw my face up.

"Too much information, I don't want to hear about his sex life eww." I whine like a child, noticing her expression enlighten a little more.

"Fiorella, have you seen him around you, he's like a little child with candy. Trust me he wouldn't be happier." I reassure her, from what I know Christian would be over the moon for a little mini him.

"What if I'm a bad mom." She sobs overflown with thoughts and emotion.

"The fact that your worried about that just shows you won't be one." I explain bringing her down to an almost neutral position.

"What if I drop it?" She questions aggravated.

"Then it will turn out like Diego." I enlighten her.

"Fio, Do you want this baby?" I ask her allowing her to understand that this is her choice as much  as anyone else's.

"Of course I just didn't expect it so soon." She tells me.

"When are you going to tell him?" I further question, yet walking on eggshells of what I can and cannot ask.

"Would now be the right time?" She says a small smile growing across her dim face lightening it up.

A ball of excitement just bursts within me,
"yes yes yes yes yes!" I jump up and down happily.
Happiness over takes my thoughts at Christian finding out he's going to be a dad.

Fiorella takes hold of my hand and we walk in sync to the living area to meet the boys.
The tension builds the closer we get to them.

"I'm shitting myself." Fiorella mumbles into my ear and I retaliate the feeling.

When we enter the room, we notice the boys have their full attention drawn onto the screen rather than us. What could be so good that it would have their eyes completely hooked onto?

I raise an eyebrow at Fiorella when we see Moana on the screen.

Ok it's that good.

Ironic to find five of the most dangerous men in the world watching a Disney princess movie. But hey whatever helps them sleep at night.

I clear my throat, but am given no attention so I make my way in front of the large flatscreen plastered on the wall. It's large size doesn't even compare to my tiny self, so I make no difference.

Groaning, I turn around and unplug it causing the screen to immediately switch off.

I earn a chain of curse words from each one of them but brush it off. Just this once.
I eyeball Fiorella, to speak when she's ready.

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