Chapter 1: The Burrow

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Y/n - Your Name
Y/l/n - Your Last Name

Y/n's POV:

I turn after saying goodbye to my parents and walk towards the Burrow. I'm staying there for a week before my sixth year as a Gryffindor at Hogwarts. I've been excited to see my best friends, Fred and George, ever since I left 9 3/4 in our fifth year. Mrs. Weasley ecstatically opens the door and smiles warmly at me. She brings me in for a hug while saying, "Y/n, dear welcome!"

"Thank you for letting me stay here, Mrs. Weasley," I responded.

"Oh please, call me Molly!" she says while smiling at me.

I return the smile as she turns toward the house. She opens her mouth to speak when I hear fast-paced footsteps coming down the stairs. I see a certain ginger who says excitedly, "Is it Y/n?" as he reaches the bottom.

Molly steps aside and I respond, "Yes, Freddie."

He smiles while walking towards me, bringing me in for a hug. I then hear, once again, fast-paced footsteps coming down the stairs. George peeks his head around the corner and repeats,"Is it Y/n?"

"Yes, now both of you be gentlemen and take her things to her room!" Molly responded.

George walks toward me and I hug him. Leaving the hug I said, "I missed you guys."

George chuckled and said, "I'd be shocked if you didn't," while picking up a suitcase.

Fred picked up the other luggage while saying, "We missed you too."

They turned around and walked up the stairs. I walked over to Molly who was in the kitchen preparing for dinner. I smiled a bit while watching her use magic to clean the dishes and collect the silverware. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"Yes, can you help me set the table?" Molly asked.

"Of course," I responded while taking the plates out of her full hands.

As I started to set out the plates I heard familiar footsteps coming down the stairs and heard George say, "We'll be outside with the others if you need us."

I looked over as George went out the door to see Fred smile at me. I returned the smile and then he followed his brother.

~Time skip~

I finished setting the table and Molly turned to me, "Thank you dear, could you please go get everyone for dinner?"

"It would be my pleasure," I respond politely.

I walked towards the group of people outside to see Fred, George, Bill, Arthur, Ginny, Ron, and to my surprise, Harry and Hermione. "Hey guys, when did you two get here?" I asked while walking towards them.

Hermione turns toward me and quickly walks over to me. She embraces me in a tight hug while saying, "I got here Saturday, I didn't know you were coming!"

Harry walked over to me as my hug with Hermione ended. Harry gave me a quick hug while saying, "I got here a day after Hermione, it's good to see you, Y/n."

I smiled at them both while saying, "It's good to see you too."

Bill then says jokingly, "Hello love, if I had known you were here you could've put your things in my room."

George chuckles and looks at Fred,"Looks like you've got some competition," while putting his arm around my shoulder.

I looked between George, Bill, and Fred. As I got to Fred though, I thought he looked a little disappointed. That's stupid of me to think, why would he be disappointed.

I raised my hand to George's head and ruffled his hair while saying, "As if I'd ever go out with Bill."

George removed his arm to fix his hair while I stuck out my arm to signal Fred to come over and link arms with me. He smiled before walking over and linking his arm with mine. I stuck out my other arm for George and said, "You coming, George?"

"Yes, yes, Y/l/n." George said as he brought his hand down from his hair and walked over to Fred and I.

George and I linked arms before I looked up at Fred. He looked at me as I smiled up at him. He smiled back down at me, then we all walked towards the Burrow, arms linked.

Word Count: 729

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora