Chapter 53: The Return to Hogwarts

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Y/n - Your Name

Y/n's POV:

Immediately after we apparated to Hogsmeade High Street a loud alarm began to screech, followed by people shouting and coming towards us. I looked around when I noticed Fred wasn't holding onto my hand like he was a few seconds ago.

Fred was looking up at a display of wanted posters with our faces on them, tearing one off of the wall while everyone began to run away. "What do you think you're doing?" I whisper yelled.

"Look!" Fred said excitedly, shoving a wanted poster with my face and name on it towards me, "This is going to be framed in our room when we get back."

"Fred!" I said, quickly grabbing onto his hand tightly and running after everyone else.

We hid behind the table everyone else was hiding behind, two men coming in after us and searching behind other tables. Another alarm began screeching, the men rushing into that direction. We all sighed in relief, George turning to us and asking, "Where were you two?"

"Look!" Fred said equally as excited as before while he shoved the poster in front of George's face, "Isn't it beautiful?"

A smile spread across George's face, "Wicked! Was there one of me?"

"I'm not sure, probably though," Fred started, smiling, "Maybe later we can-"

"Not the time!" Hermione scolded quietly, gesturing for us to follow her.

We all began following her down an alley as she tried to pull on a gate, it not budging in the slightest. Fred and George ran over, trying to help shake the gate open. "In here, Potter," An unknown man said as he opened a door leading into the Hog's Head Inn.

We all turned to him, Harry being the first to go inside, Hermione and Ron reluctantly going in after him. When I began following after them Fred grabbed my arm, placing me between himself and George before walking towards the entrance.

As I followed after Fred I looked up at the man, jumping when I thought he was Dumbledore. I walked closer to Fred, following him down some stairs that led into a room. "Did you get a look of him?" Ron asked quietly, looking around at all of us.

"Yeah, I did," I answered, "For a second, I thought he was-"

"I know, Dumbledore," Hermione interrupted me while nodding.

Shouting was heard from outside, causing all of us to move further into the room. I looked around, noticing a painting of a young woman hung on the wall above the fireplace. "Harry," Hermione said, causing me to look over at her, "I can see you in this."

There was a mirror on the wall, missing a shard of glass, with Harry's face in it. I looked towards Harry, seeing him holding the shard he always carried around. Harry walked closer, comparing the shard to the mirror.

"You bloody fools," The man said as he walked into the room, "What were you thinking coming here? Have you any idea how dangerous it is?"

"You're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother," Harry stated as the man walked over to the window, looking behind the curtains, "It's you who I've been seeing in here. You're the one who sent Dobby."

"Where have you left him?" Aberforth asked, turning to look at Harry.

"He's dead," Harry said uncomfortably.

"Sorry to hear it," Aberforth said, "I liked that elf."

"Who gave that to you?" Harry asked, pointing towards the mirror.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now