Chapter 33: The Patronus

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Y/n - Your Name

Y/n's POV:

I walked into the Great Hall, looking for anyone I knew. My eyes eventually landed on Neville, so I began walking over to him. Before I reached him I heard my name being called in a thick Irish accent, "Y/n!"

I looked around to see Seamus approaching me, "Seamus?"

He nodded before asking, "Have you seen Harry? I'd like to apologize to em'."

"He should be on his way here," I informed him.

"Brilliant! Thanks," Seamus said before walking back to his seat.

I began walking towards Neville, who seemed to have the newest Daily Prophet. I sat down next to him, noticing that he was staring blankly at the picture of a female prisoner with dark curly hair and rotting teeth, on the front of the page. Neville seemed to be shivering so I put my hand on his arm, "Neville? Are you alright?"

He jumped before looking over at me, stuttering while he said, "Oh, Y/n. Y-Yes I'm fine."

Neville slowly opened the Daily Prophet, shuddering as Fudge spoke, "We have confirmed that 10 high-security prisoners in the early hours of yesterday evening did escape. And of course, the Muggle prime minister has been alerted to the danger."

As I watched the picture of Fudge I noticed Percy walking beside him, causing me to remember Molly's distress on Christmas. "We strongly suspect that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience in escaping from Azkaban, notorious mass murderer, Sirius Black," Fidge continued before pausing.

"Cousin of escapee Bellatrix Lestrange," Fudge finished.

Neville closed the Daily Prophet, making me realize the picture on the front was of Bellatrix. "Everything's changing," I said, shaking my head.

When Neville didn't respond I looked over at him as he stared blankly into the distance, causing me to ask him again, "Neville, are you alright?"

He stuttered again, looking back at me, "Y-Yes."

Before I could question him any further I heard Seamus say, "Harry," causing me to look over.

Seamus stood up as they all turned around, "I uh.. I wanted to apologize. Now even me mum says the Prophet's version of things don't add up. So, what I'm really trying to say is that, I believe you."

They sat in silence for a moment but my attention was ripped from them when Neville began standing up. I watched as he walked out of the Great Hall without saying a word to anyone. I was curious and wanted to know what was wrong, so I began to follow him.

As I stood up Seamus moved his head, trying to make eye contact with me. I stopped to look at him as he mouthed, "How did I do?"

I gave him a thumbs up with a smile, before exiting the Great Hall. I walked through the halls, trying to catch up to Neville. I turned a corner to see the Room of Requirement closing, telling me Neville had gone inside.

I entered the Room of Requirement to see Neville standing in front of the mirror we kept photos and articles that were important to the DA on. I slowly walked over to him seeing his gaze on a specific picture, the one of the Order, "Neville?"

Waiting for his response, I looked up at the picture as well. We'd sat in silence for a moment before he said, "Fourteen years ago, a Death Eater named Bellatrix Lestrange, used a Cruciatus Curse on my parents."

As he paused I gave him a sympathetic look before following his gaze to the specific members who must've been his parents, he looked like an exact mixture of them. "She tortured them for information but they never gave in," Neville finished sounding proud of them.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now