Chapter 6: The Amortentia

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Y/n - Your name
Y/l/n - Your last name

Y/n's POV:

I was sat across from Hermione while I waited for the twins to arrive at the Great Hall for breakfast. I mainly just teased her about liking Ron until I felt two people sit down on either side of me.

"Took you long enough," I said while looking from Fred to George.

"Morning," they replied in unison in a singsong tone.

"So, what idiotic way of getting past the age line have you two thought of?" I asked.

"Well since you're a master of potions we were hoping you'd be so kind as to help us brew an aging potion," Fred replied smiling.

I scoffed, "Come on Freddie, there's no way that would ever get you past the age line."

George smirked while saying, "Are you doubting your skills?"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, I have potions next class and then a free period, so I can 'borrow' the ingredients from Snape. Then we can brew the potion afterwards. But don't blame me when it doesn't work."

George shook his head, "That's no good, Fred and I have Charms then D.A.D.A."

"Actually I also have Potions followd by a free period. I switched my classes last minute," Fred replied while we all pulled out our time tables.

George leaned over to compare his, Fred, and I's time tables. He lifted one eyebrow while smirking at Fred, "What a coincidence that you and Y/n have the same exact classes."

I looked towards a smirking George as I see Fred in the corner of my eye signaling George to stop talking while saying, "Yeah, weird."

I looked in between the two confused and then stood up, "Welllll we better get going since Potions is about to start."

Fred stood up as well and we walked towards the exit of the Great Hall. I looked over my shoulder at George who winked while waving, "See you two later."

~Time skip~

Fred and I walk in right before Snape started the lesson. I looked around and noticed that there was one desk left and that all of the other desks had a potion on them. I sat down at the empty desk and Fred quickly followed. Snape walked over and placed a pink potion with spiraling steam onto the desk, and then I realized what it was. "Do you know what this is Ms. Y/l/n?" Snape asked me.

I began to open my mouth when he cut me off, "Wrong, the correct answer is Amortentia. Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world in which it's scent is different to each person according to what attracts them the most."

Snape put his arms behind his back while turning from our desk. He began to walk forward while asking, "What does the Amortentia smell like to you, Y/l/n?"

I looked down at the potion and leaned in to smell it. My eyes widen at what I smelled, "I smell a combination of cinnamon.. fireworks.. and burning wood."

He turned around for a moment while saying, "Hmm, interesting," looking next to me at Fred.

He walked to the front as I leaned over to Fred, "What do you smell?"

"I can't tell, all I can smell is your bloody perfume," he responded.

That's funny, I don't remember putting any on this morning?

"Getting back on track do you want to do the diversion or the 'borrowing'?" I asked.

"The diversion is much more fun," he said while smirking.

"Just tell me when," I said.

Fred said, "Will do, love," and began to watch Snape.

A hufflepuff to the right of me asked Snape a question and the ingredients I needed were on the left. The moment Snape got to the hufflepuff's desk Fred grabbed his wand and my hand. I wasn't expecting this and couldn't help but get butterflies and smile while looking at our hands.

Fred turned to me and nodded while letting go of my hand and lifting his wand. I stood up as I noticed him grab a dungbomb and a smoke tablet out of his pocket and place it into the potion. He then cast a spell on the potion causing smoke and the stench from the dungbomb to engulf the room.

I quickly opened Snape's cabinets and took hairy fungus, tortoise shell, caterpillars, and a bat tongue. I secured the ingredients into my pocket and quickly fumbled to Fred and I's desk. I grabbed Fred's hand and ran out of the classroom.

As I ran down the hallway to get to the Gryffindor common room, Fred said excitedly, "That was great! You did great!"

"Thank you Freddie, so did you. How long have you had the dungbomb and smoke tablet in your pocket?" I asked laughing.

He chuckled and said,"You don't want to know."

My pace slowed and I realized we were still holding hands, but instead of letting go I smiled. He turned his head to me, smiling as he noticed as well. He tightened his grip just enough for me to know he knew, and then we kept walking towards the common room.

Word Count: 868

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now