Chapter 54: The Battle of Hogwarts Part 1

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Y/n - Your Name

Y/n's POV:

Fred, George, and I had sealed off the secret passageways with a few other students on Kingsley's orders. Once we were finished we found Arthur, who was ushering for us to follow him. We followed him onto a catwalk as Kingsley said, "Hey, Dean, on second thoughts, tell Professor McGonagall we might need one or two more wands this side."

Dean nodded as Fred, George, and Arthur walked past him. I turned to him saying, "Dean-"

"It is the quality of one's convictions that determine success," Remus said, accidentally interrupting what I was going to say to Dean.

"Who said that?" Kingsley asked.

"Me," Remus responded.

Dean turned to me, "Yes, Y/n?"

"Where's Seamus?" I asked, "I thought you'd be with him."

"I'm not sure," Dean answered, "I'm running a few quick errands for McGonagall."

"Well, be safe," I said.

"You too, Y/n," Dean said with a small smile, turning around and quickly walking off of the catwalk.

I turned back to where Fred, George, and Arthur had gone. I passed Kingsley and Remus, seeing Fred and George standing by a balcony while they both stared up at the sky. I stood still, turning my attention to the sky as well, where multitudes of spells were attempting to break the protective layer.

"You okay, Freddie?" George asked, not taking his eyes off of the sky.

"Yeah," Fred answered, slightly nodding his head.

George turned to look at Fred with a smirk, elbowing his arm as he said, "Me too."

They both turned their attention back to the sky as I began to walk towards them again. "Georgie," Fred said, looking at George seriously and causing me to stop walking, not wanting to ruin their conversation.

George looked at Fred expectantly, "Yeah?"

"Can you promise me something?" Fred asked.

"What is it?" George replied.

Fred looked out at the sky, his mouth slightly open as he stared at the protective layer. "If I don't make it out of this," Fred started grimly, his eyes becoming glassy as he turned back to George, "Promise me you'll take care of Y/n."

"Freddie-" George said sadly.

"Please," Fred begged.

After a moment of silence George said, "Of course I will."

"Thank you," Fred responded with a small smile.

I slightly backed away, retaking my footsteps but louder, letting them know I was there. I stood between them, leaning on the railing as I looked out at Hogwarts. Fred threw his arm over my shoulder while asking, "Are you okay, love?"

I didn't respond as I watched Death Eaters burn down the Quidditch Pitch. "Yeah," I answered, "It's strange, we grew up here-"

"And now we're gonna die here?" George interrupted with a smirk.

I chuckled, "Yeah, basically."

Suddenly a bright light, emitting from a huge spell, spread across the protective layer. Fred, George, and I all quickly turned our heads back to the sky, watching in horror as the layer began to deteriorate.

I turned to my left in order to look at Fred, who looked just as horrified as me, when I noticed Tonks standing next to Remus. Tonks must've left Teddy with someone else while she came to fight. Remus and Tonks reached out for each other as I focused back onto Fred.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora