Chapter 40: The Halloween Party

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Y/n - Your Name
P/n - Pygmy Puff's Name

Y/n's POV:

I woke up in Fred and I's bed with my head laying on his bare chest, but Fred's arms weren't wrapped around me like they usually were. Sitting up slightly, to look at him, I noticed why. Fred's head was turned away from me, snuggled into P/n's fur, while his hands coddled the Pygmy Puff.

After carefully standing up, I walked over to the window, opening it. I took in the fresh air before backing away from the window. As I walked away I noticed a black envelope lying on the ground. I walked over to the letter, noticing an already broken pumpkin seal, meaning it'd already been opened.

The envelope had a sticky note attached to it in George's handwriting, "Figured you'd like to see this."

Pulling out the letter from the opened envelope, I walked over and sat on the end of the bed. I didn't recognize the writing, but it was addressed to Fred, George, and I:

"Dear Fred, George, and Y/n,

Alicia and I have decided to host a Halloween Party at our home this weekend. There wouldn't be a party without my best mates there so I thought I'd go ahead and send you an invitation. Make sure you dress up, and don't be boring!

Lee Jordan."

I smiled as I set the letter onto the bed, starting to crawl further into the bed. I carefully grabbed P/n out of Fred's hands, causing him to groan. He opened his eyes, looking at me as I got out of the bed while holding my Pygmy Puff.

I set P/n down next to it's food before grabbing the letter. I walked back to the bed, standing next to the side Fred was laying on while saying with a smirk, "I see someone's replaced me as your favorite."

Fred chuckled before grabbing hold of my wrist, lifting up the covers as he threw me under them with him, "You'll always be my favorite."

"I better," I said as he grazed my face with his hand, "And I love you, Freddie, but you're kind of crushing a letter we received."

"Letter from who?" Fred asked confused while loosening his grip.

"Lee-" I said, but before I could go into any details Fred shot up in the bed while waiting for the letter.

I smiled as I handed him the slightly crumpled letter. I watched Fred's face as he read it, his smile increasing to a wide grin. He kissed me on the cheek before scuttling out of our bed, tripping over the sheets.

Fred ran out of the room shirtless so I called after him while standing, "Fred!"

He immediately peaked his head in as I picked up a shirt off of the floor, throwing it towards him. "Oh, yeah," Fred said as he caught it, putting it on.

Fred continued running down the hall as he put on his shirt, shouting, "Georgie!"

I stood up from the bed, walking over to P/n and petting it as it ate. I started changing into a different set of clothes as Fred and George debated loudly on what they were going to dress up as.

As I started walking out of Fred and I's room the floorboard creaked, silencing them. I watched as they shot out of George's room and ran up to me. I stared between them, "So?"

"So?" They said in unison.

"So, what are you guys going as?" I said as I crossed my arms.

They looked between each other before looking back at me, speaking in unison again, "It's a surprise."

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now