Chapter 9: The Owlery

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Y/n: Your name
Y/o/n: Your owl's name
O/c: Owl color

Y/n's POV:

I had woken up earlier than Fred and George, like I usually do, so I sat in the Great Hall with my head resting on my left palm. I felt like I could fall asleep when someone sat down across from me, "The First Task."

I immediately open my eyes at the sound of Harry's voice, "What'd you find out?"

He gulped and leaned in, "Dragons."

I went wide eyed and whisper yelled, "Dragons?"

Harry explained how he found out and asked me what he should do. I think for a minute before responding, "What're you good at?"

He shrugs, "I mean I'm a fair flyer."

I clap my hands with a smile, "Oh Harry, don't be so modest. You're more than fair, you can use your broom!"

"Y/n, I'm not allowed a broom," he responded confused.

I lean in, "You're allowed a wand."

Harry opens his mouth to respond but I interrupted him, "What dragon did you see?"

He struggles to describe it and I say, "Okay it's settled then, I'll do research on the dragon you saw and find some that fit the description and we'll see if you can recognize any. Maybe we can find a flaw."

Harry began to respond as I felt Fred and George sit on either side of me, "What are you guys up to?" Fred asked.

I began to stand up, "I'm going to do research for The First Task in the library. You two are welcome to come if you want."

"I'll pass, I don't feel like starving today," George said while shoveling food onto his plate.

Fred grabs a piece of bacon off of George's plate and then stands up, "I'll come."

I smile at him, "Great," as I also take a piece of bacon and some bread from George's plate.

George was in the middle of chewing so he couldn't protest with his voice but he attempted to swat my hand away a second too late. Fred and I quickly ran off laughing before George could retaliate.

~Time Skip~

Fred and I had made a rough list of dragons that the could be the one Harry mentioned. I put the books we used back and then decided it was time to do my daily chore, "I have one more 'chore' to do before classes start, so if you'd rather go back to the Great Hall you can."

"I'm more interesed in going with you to do this 'chore' if you don't mind," Fred replied.

I smiled while grabbing his hand, leading him to the West Tower. When I got to the destination Fred looked confused, "The Owlery?"

I pulled the bread I took from George's plate earlier out of my pocket, "I like to feed the owls. They work hard delivering all of our things I feel like they deserve a treat."

I held out my arm and said, "Y/o/n."

My beautiful, O/c, owl landed on my arm. I pet Y/o/n before extending my other hand that held the bread crumbs to my owl. It ate it's treat gratefully before other owls noticed me, the person who always brought them treats, and flew over.

Fred's POV:

I smiled as I watched the owls land on Y/n, they loved her. She looks so happy and beautiful feeding them. "It's adorable how much you care for the owls. One of the many things that I love about you, Y/n. Is how caring you are."

She smiled and I could swear I saw her blush, "Do you do this everyday?" I asked her.

"Yes, but sometimes I get distracted with things like 'borrowing' from Snape to brew an aging potion for my tossers of friends," she said smirking.

I chuckle realizing how much we get her into trouble. I love having her around. My thoughts were interrupted when I realized I had been staring at her and she spoke up, "Would you like to feed them?"

I sharply inhaled, "I don't know, Y/n."

"Come on Freddie, you'll love it," she begged me.

I sighed, "Anything for you, love."

I walked over to her as she handed me some bread. I held my arm out and an owl actually landed on me while eating the bread crumbs from my hand. "See, he likes you," Y/n said.

"Who wouldn't?" I responded with a smirk.

After a while of feeding the owls and talking she gasped causing me to look up, "We're going to be late for potions!"

I walked over to Y/n taking her remaining bread and putting our combined bread onto a table. The owls all swarmed over to the bread, including the owls on Y/n and I. I walked back over to her while putting my hands on her shoulders, "We'll be fine, love.

She smiled up at me and held out her arm for our signature arm link. I linked up with her and we headed to potions and then the rest of our classes.

Word Count: 856

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now