Chapter 34: The Giant

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Y/n - Your Name

Y/n's POV:

I woke up in Fred's bed, his arms wrapped protectively around me. My head laid on his chest as he breathed up and down. As I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was my hand, placed on his chest next to my head.

Lifitng up my hand to inspect it I noticed the carving from yesterday was nearly completely gone. I carefully pried Fred's arms off of me before sitting up. I swung my legs off the side of the bed before quietly standing up. Turning back towards the bed I looked at Fred's peaceful face.

I then turned my attention to his hand, laying where my body was moments ago, his hand was almost completely healed. With a small smile, I turned and walked towards the door before opening and closing it behind me.

Exiting the boy's dormitories, I walked towards the girl's, and into the specific room that I shared with a few other 7th years. I quietly opened and closed the door behind me before turning and seeing Hermione, sitting on my bed.

"And where were you?" Hermione asked, confused.

"Fred and George's," I whispered, walking over to my things.

"I can tell," Hermione whispered back with a smirk.

I looked at her confused before she gestured to what I was wearing. It was then that I noticed that I was wearing Fred's green sweater, causing me to smile while saying, "Oh."

Hermione rolled her eyes with a small smile as I turned back to my things, asking, "And why are you in my dorm?"

"I was going to get you so we could have a private conversation with Harry and Ron," she started.

Grabbing a change of clothes I asked, "And when you discovered I wasn't here you decided to wait for me on my bed?"

"Yes," Hermione said, "Would you have rather me barged into Fred and George's room to get you?"

Standing up I said, "You wouldn't have seen anything I wouldn't want you to see, but both are equally invasive."

She shrugged as I walked into the bathroom to freshen up. Afer finishing I glanced at the counter, where I'd set Fred's sweater, before picking it up and shamelessly putting it back on.

Exiting the bathroom I said, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Perfect," Hermione said while walking over to me, linking her arm with mine.

Hermione led the way out of my dorm, but instead of going to the main part of the common room, she turned towards the boy's dormitories. She walked to a specific door before opening it, not even trying to be quiet.

As Hermione shut the door behind us I whispered, "Wait, they aren't even awake. Are they even aware that this is happening?"

"No," Hermione responded as if it was obvious.

She let go of me before walking to Harry's bed, "Wake up, Harry."

He sat up and reached for his glasses before staring at her confused, "What?"

Hermione ignored him and walked over to a snoring Ron, shaking him, "Wake up, Ronald!"

Ron inhaled sharply before looking up at her confused, "Bloody hell, Hermione."

Harry then looked over at me, "Y/n?"

I shrugged, "All her idea."

Hermione began to tug Ron out of bed, "Come on, Ronald!"

"Alright, alright!" Ron said scrambling out of bed.

She then turned to look at Harry, who immediately raised his eyebrows and stood up. Hermione pointed towards their bathroom, sitting on Ron's empty bed. Ron groaned in response as he picked up clothes from the floor, walking towards the bathroom.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now