Chapter 12: The Waltz

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Y/n: Your name

Y/n's POV:

Professor McGonagall had the Gryffindor students in a room to discuss something while Filtch, the gatekeeper, was attempting to turn music on but it was just coming out as scratchy, little noises. I sat in a seat with my arms crossed with all of the other girls. I was a bit upset because McGonagall forced the girls to sit on one side of the room and the boys on the other.

"The Yule ball-" McGonagall stopped for a moment looking at Filtch."

"Has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament-" she said while glancing over again.

"Since it's inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests, gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost-" she paused before continuing, "A dance."

The girls wouldn't stop talking about it so I sighed, slightly bored. I thought more about the idea of a dance as I looked over at Fred, who was standing up with his twin, and thought, I'd like to go with him.

He also looked over at me and we made eye contact. He must've felt me staring, that's embarrassing.

Fred's side of the room, unlike mine, were groaning with annoyance. Only when Professor McGonagall silenced the room did I break my eye contact with Fred, "The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling, band of baboons."

I looked back over at the twins as I watch George lean over to Fred. I was barely able to make out what he said, "Try saying that five times fast, huh?"

I watched as Fred and George went back and forth saying the phrase and chuckled to myself while thinking, Fred's so cute.

As McGonagall continued to explain the dance when Ron made fun of a girl to Seamus. McGonagall then turned to him, "Mr. Weasley."

Ron reluctantly responded, "Yes?"

"Will you join me, please?"

He miserably stood and followed her. He was told to put his hand on her waist and did as instructed while gaining a whistle from one of the twins. "Mr. Filtch, if you please?" she requested as he turned on the music.

The twins will talk about this nonstop for months, I realized.

They began to waltz and the twins began to make fun of their brother by dancing with their eyes closed, humming along with the music. I smirked while watching before Fred opened his eyes and winked at me. I smiled while shaking my head jokingly as we kept our eye contact.

Harry called them over to where he was sitting and asked them, "Never gonna let him forget this, are you?"

Only then did Fred's eyes leave mine while they responded in unison smiling, "Never."

Just as they got back to their original spot Professor McGonagall said, "Everybody come together."

All of the girls but a few, including me, got up and hurried closer to the boys. After a few seconds I stood up, right before she said, "Boys, on your feet!"

All of the boys who were sitting stayed where they were except for Neville, who stood up first. Aw, good for you, Neville.

I was too busy in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was being approached. I turned to see Fred holding out his hand for me, "How about a dance, love?"

I smiled, just the person I wanted to go with.

"How could I say no?" I said accepting his hand.

He put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up at his grinning face, "You're so beautiful, Y/n."

I blushed at his compliment which made me get nervous, causing me to stutter, "T-Thank you."

Of course I just had to stutter right in front of him!

After cursing myself for stuttering McGonagall began forcing people to dance. I then realized how close we were and was desperate to make conversation so I chuckled and said, "I don't think we've ever been this close."

"Is it too close?" Fred asked quickly after hearing me while loosening his grip causing us to drift apart a bit.

I removed one of my arms from around his neck and held his cheek in my hand smiling, "No, not at all, love."

Fred smiled at the nickname leaning into my hand before he pulled me closer than we were before, the gap between our bodies filled, "How's this?"

I smiled again and rested my head on his chest breathing in the cinnamon, fireworks, and burning wood scent, "More than perfect."

He kissed the top of my head and I felt like my heart had stopped. He makes me so happy.

The happiness drifted away as I heard McGonagall dissmiss everyone for the day and he pulled away. Now all that was connecting us was his hand in mine. He pulled my hand to his face and kissed it, before letting go and walking back to his side of the room.

I felt drained, wishing the moment hadn't ended as I walked back to my seat. I definitely love Fred Weasley.

Word Count: 916

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now