Chapter 36: The Prophecy

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Y/n - Your Name
Y/l/n - Your Last Name

Y/n's POV:

Luna lead us into the Forbidden Forest, specifically into a clearing that was filled with those same charred skeleton horses with ghostly white eyes. "These are the creatures that were pulling the carriages!" I said walking closer to them before looking back at Luna, "What are they?"

"What are what?" Hermione asked confused, "There's nothing here."

"I-I can see them too," Neville stuttered quietly.

"They're called Thestrals," Luna explaining while walking over to one, "They're quite gentle really, but people avoid them because they're a bit different."

I looked back at Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Ginny who all seemed confused, except for Harry and Neville. Walking over to Luna and one of the Thestrals I asked, "Why can't the others see them?"

"They can only be seen by people who've seen death," Luna explained, gently petting the Thestral.

"Who did you see die?" Ron asked confused, looking between Neville and I.

I turned to him uncomfortably, "My grandmother, she passed over the summer."

"My grandad," Neville answered.

"Oh," Ron said uncomfortably, "Sorry about that."

"It's fine," Neville and I replied in unison.

I turned back to Luna, "How are we going to get Ron, Hermione, and Ginny on them if they can't see them?"

"You, Luna, Neville, and I'll just have to help them get on," Harry answered while walking over to us.

Luna began handing out raw meat to feed the Thestrals as Harry helped Ginny, Neville helped Ron, and I helped Hermione. After we eventually got them on the Thestrals we walked over to our own.

I lifted my hand and pet it's face gently. It slowly closed it's eyes, showing comfort and trust. I cautiously jumped onto the Thestral, tossing my leg over it's side to sit properly.

After I got settled I looked around, seeing everyone holding tightly onto their Thestral. The Thestrals began to slowly trot at Harry's signal before taking off.

We flew above the forest and then Hogwarts, Harry leading the way. As we flew above the city thunder boomed throughout the sky. I can't help but wish Fred was here.

I stared at the clouds and frowned because of how much I missed Fred and George. I was broken out of my thoughts as Harry signaled for us to land.

After landing we all followed Harry inside, before going down in an elevator. The elevator door opened while saying, "Department of Mysteries."

We all stared at the dark brick hallway before stepping out, Harry saying, "This is it."

We followed behind Harry as he walked towards a strange door, opening it. As we walked in we all cast Lumos, being met immediately with extremely tall shelves, all littered with dusty spheres.

Loud rumbling was heard coming from the door, causing us to look back at it. Harry turned back towards the isle and began counting each lane, "Ninety-two. Ninety-three. Ninety-four. Ninety-five."

He stopped at ninety-five before turning around to look at us, "He should be here."

"Harry," Neville said from behind us, causing us to look at him as he looked up at a sphere, "It's got your name on it."

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now