Chapter 5: The Announcement

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Y/n - Your name
Y/l/n - Your last name

Y/n's POV:

I was sitting in a Gryffindor compartment with the Weasley twins, Fred sitting on my right while George sat across from us. I was reading The Daily Prophet section on what happened at the World Cup. I scoffed while setting down The Daily Prophet, "This is awful, how could the Ministry not know who conjoured it?"

Fred and George looked up as I moved from sitting normally to laying back onto Fred's lap, "Wasn't there any security?"

"A whole lot of blokes," Fred responded looking down at me.

"That's why they're so worried, it happened right underneath their noses," George finished.

I went to speak again when I heard the witch who pushed the trolley full of treats a couple compartments down from our's and said, "Ooh I want a chocolate frog, do you guys want anything?"

"Exploda Soda," George said leaning back and putting his legs onto my lap while my head is still on Fred's legs.

"Couple of Droobles would be nice," Fred answered.

"Okay then," I said while grabbing George's legs and standing up. I dropped his legs and then held out my hand towards him.

George stared at me confused, "What?"

I motioned for him to give me the currency to pay for the treats while smiling. George groaned, "Fine, Y/l/n, but only cause you're snogging Freddie here," he said reaching in his pocket with a smirk.

He handed me the currency and I smiled again while ruffling up his hair, "Thank you, Georgie!"

I quickly exited the compartment and as I did I saw a girl named Cho and her friends buying from the trolley. Harry was next to the trolly halfway in his compartment who looked very shocked that Cho smiled at him. As Cho walked away Harry was at a loss for words and was almost in a day dream as he walked back into his compartment.

I chuckled and approached the witch as she asked me, "Anything from the trolly, dear?"

"Yes, can I please have a chocolate frog, an Exploda Soda, and a couple of Droobles please?" I responded while handing her the currency.

She smiled as she gave me the treats and took the currency, then continued her walk down the isle. I turned towards Harry's compartment door and decided to mess with him. I slid the door open and peeked my head in, "Don't think I didn't see that, Harry."

"Y/n? What do you mean?" Harry asked as if suprised to see me.

"How you were looking at Cho obviously," I said in a childish tone.

"Oh shut it, Y/n," he responded.

"I'm just saying. Have a fun ride to Hogwarts, I have to be getting back to the twins now," I said while smiling and sliding the compartment door shut.

I walked back to the compartment while smirking and shaking my head. I entered our compartment and handed Fred and George their treats. "You're welcome," I said sitting back down close next to Fred.

"What do you mean, I'm the one that payed for it?" George responded smirking.

"Thank you, George," Fred and I said simultaneously as I scooted over closer to Fred.

~Time skip~

Everyone was in awe outside of Hogwarts watching as the Durmstrang students arrived from an underwater ship and the Beauxbatons students arrived in flying carriages. After they finished arriving I sat with the other Gryffindors at our table in the Great Hall as Dumbledore announced that Hogwarts would be participating in and hosting the Triwizard Tournament. As he announced this the twins looked at each other while smiling so I thought to myself, they can't possibly be considering competing? They'll get themselves killed!

The Beauxbatons students were announced and performed a special enterance and the majority of the boys were looking at them in awe so I reluctantly looked at Fred. I was extremely relieved to see he wasn't paying a bit of attention to them but talking to George about the tournament, I let a small smile appear on my face at the realization. I soon learned it was a mistake when he turned to look at me as I was embarrassingly looking at him so I quickly looked at the girls.

Seamus' comment on the headmistress woke me up from my thoughts, "Blimey! That's one big woman."

He was right, she was extremely tall. She walked in while holding Dumbledore's hand. After Dumbledore returned to the front of the hall he silenced the room. Then the Durmstrang students made their appearance in which everyone was intrigued by. As Viktor Krum walked in the girls and Ron were all eyes on him, except a few, including myself

I blinked as I looked from Krum to the table and saw Fred out of the corner of my eye, looking at me? He had the same look I'd just given him with the Beauxbaton girls. When I realized I turned to him and he was looking right back at me. His hands were placed by his sides on the seat we shared, so I decided to inch my hand closer to his. He looked down and back up at me with a smile.

Right as our fingertips touched Dumbledore started speaking, "I'd like to say a few words," he started.

"Eternal Glory. That is what awaits the student that wins the Triwizard Tournament," he continued.

"But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks-"

I heard the twins say simultaneously, "Wicked."

I quickly swatted them both lightly, "You can't be serious?"

"What?" they once again say simultaneously.

"You could get yourselves killed by entering that Tournament!" I said at a hushed whisper.

But my protests were interrupted by a storm inside the building and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Mad-Eye Moody. Then Bartemius Crouch explained that you'd have to be the age of 17 to enter the Tournament. Right after he said those words I heard shouting and disapproval from all around the room, including next to me where George was yelling quite loudly, "That's rubbish!"

Dumbledore silenced the room and explained the Goblet of Fire, and afterwards, everyone went to their common rooms. The twins were definitely going to try and get around the age restriction but I didn't feel like being a part of it tonight since I was tired. As I went to walk to the girl's dormitories I felt someone grab my hand.

I turned around to see Fred holding it, "Yeah, Fred?"

"You wanna help us come up with ideas to get through the rubbish age restriction?" he asked with a smile.

"Not tonight, Fred. I'm really tired, tommorrow please?" I pleaded.

He pulled me closer to him and smirked, "Fine, love. Good night."

I smiled and said, "Good night, Freddie."

I started to walk away but realized he was still holding onto my hand. I turned around confused. Once I was fully facing him he pulled me closer and wrapped me into a hug.

I closed my eyes and just embraced the hug. I then smiled as I smelled that familiar scent I always smelled when we were this close; cinnamon, fireworks, and burning wood. He rested his chin on the top of my head saying, "Sleep well," before letting me go to my dormitory.

Word Count: 1,238

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