Chapter 38: The Joke Shop

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Y/n - Your Name

Y/n's POV:

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was wonderful, Fred and George had painted the brick building purple and the window frames orange. There was even a gigantic statue of one of the twins sticking out of one of the columns, that Fred told me was him. It could even lift the top hat it was wearing, exposing a rabbit.

I stared up in awe, looking at the outside of their shop. Fred walked in front of me and then over to the door before opening it, gesturing for me to enter while saying, "After you, love."

I smiled before walking over him, grazing his face with my hand as I entered. When I entered my eyes were immediately met with multitudes of colors. There were stairs leading to even more levels of shelves that were filled with more crazy products. I heard the door close so I turned to look at Fred and George with a smile, "It's amazing!"

"Glad you like it," Fred said walking over to me and throwing his arm around me, "Had to fight George to leave that side alone for you."

I looked over to where he was pointing to see a completely blank wall with nothing surrounding it. "Thank you, Georgie," I said turning to George with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah," George said crossing his arms, "I'm still not happy about it."

"It'll be the best thing you could ever imagine," I reassured him.

"I don't know, Y/n, I can imagine a lot," George said smirking.

I clasped my hands together before pointing to the love potions on a simple shelf, "Okay, you see this?"

Fred and George turned to look at the shelf as I continued, "How about we create a more interesting display for them?"

"Okay," Fred said nodding.

"What type of display?" George asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe something with a floral look just to make it different," I suggested.

"That could work," Fred started, letting me go as he got excited, "It could have a-"

He began to mumble as he scribbled on a piece of paper, causing me to not be able to make out his words. "And it can have heart-shaped particles floating above it!" George said excitedly while walking over to Fred.

I turned back to the empty wall, trying to plan what I wanted to do with the space as they spoke. Looking around the shop I noticed the randomly placed Pygmy Puffs littered around the room. I decided that we could put a display of them next to the love potions when I heard them say excitedly and in unison, "Y/n!"

I turned to see Fred holding up a sketch of what the display could look like. It looked like multiple flowing flowers that were all blooming on one stem. They even noted on the paper to add pink lights under the potions, the display was rather beautiful.

Looking back up at them I said, "It's perfect."

Fred and George looked between each other before looking back at me with a smile. "Now let us show you the flat," Fred said taking hold of my hand.

Fred led the way to the first floor of their apartment. They showed me the kitchen and the living room, which were honestly pretty basic for Fred and George. After they finished showing me the first floor they brought me to the top floor, where their rooms were.

There was a tight hallway that had four doors along it, one purple, one orange, and two white. The first white door I opened led to a messy bathroom. As I closed the door I felt someone tugging on Fred's sweater, that I was wearing, causing me to smack the hand away.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now