Chapter 21: The Last Day of Sixth Year

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Y/n - Your name

Y/n's POV:

Hogwarts has been gloomy and quiet ever since what happened to Cedric at the third task. I was sat in the Gryffindor common room with many other Gryffindors. The only sound in the room being the crackle of the fire from the fireplace.

Fred and I were cuddled up on a couch while I stared at the fireplace. I was wearing one of his annual Weasley sweaters, the same one he let me wear after the second task.

George was sitting on an armchair to the right of us, also staring at the fireplace when he spoke up, "Well this is just depressing. Fred, Y/n?"

We looked up at him as he continued, "Let's do something fun."

Fred and I immediately stood up, "What do you have in mind, Georgie?" Fred asked.

George pointed to the portrait hole before walking towards it. We quickly followed, excited for some entertainment. We walked the hallways and noticed no one was out, it was hard to even find Filtch.

"Since these lazy sods are going to stay in their common rooms all day, it's going to be hard to do anything special for the last day of our sixth year," George explained.

"So what are we doing out?" I asked.

"You see, Y/n," George started, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "We're going to put something in Filtch's food."

I shrugged, "I guess it's better than sitting around all day."

"Exactly," George said leading us to the kitchens.

It was hard to mess with Filtch since he was mainly in his office. We attempted to leave him food that was enchanted to change his hair color and extend his nose out fourteen inches but he never ate them, so we went back to wait in the common room.

~Time Skip~

Dumbledore assembled the whole school to the Great Hall. "Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss," Dumbledore began, sitting on his throne-like chair.

He stood up as he continued, "Cedric Diggory was, as you all know exceptionally hard-working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly, a fierce friend."

Dumbledore looked across the room as he said, "Now, I think, therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died."

He began walking down the platform and approaching his podium, "You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort!"

My mouth slightly opened and I tensed up at the news, I'd heard whispers that Voldemort was back but brushed it off as a rumor. I didn't want to approach Harry about it because he'd just been through something traumatic and I wanted to give him space.

Fred looked over to me, probably noticing me tensing up. He grabbed my hand causing me to look over at him, I then leaned my head on his shoulder wishing it wasn't true. More people are going to die before this is over.

Dumbledore continued, "The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadul loss reminds me and reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues our hearts beat as one."

Dumbledore paused before continuing, "In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that, and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end."

~Time Skip~

It was time for us to say goodbye to all of the people we met from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Fleur approached me with her little sister who I'd learned the name of, Gabrielle. I said goodbye and they both thanked me again.

Fred, George, and I watched the Durmstrang's ship go underwater and the Beauxbatons carriages being flown away by pegasus. I looked at the ground as I said, "Everything's going to change now isn't it?"

Fred and George said, "It's very likely," in unison.

I was in the middle of the twins and looked from Fred to George. I then threw my arms around both of their necks bringing them closer to me, "Well if it changes I'm glad I have you two gits with me!"

They chuckled before we started to walk with the rest of the school to the train station, sixth year was coming to an end.

We sat in a compartment together and bought a bunch of treats from the trolley. I slept on Fred, like I always have the past six years on the way home and George threw his legs up onto me, like he always has.

When Fred woke me up saying we were at Kings Cross I was mad at myself, like I always was, for wasting the last bits of our time together sleeping. He held my hand as we got off of the train, I walked with him to meet up with the Weasleys because my family was always late.

When Molly saw us we were the last ones to show, Ginny and Ron had already arrived. Molly wrapped me in a hug before she hugged the twins, not noticing Fred and I's intertwined hands. It took me by surprise, causing me to let go of Fred.

"Oh, Y/n! What a pleasure seeing you again!" Molly told me holding my face after exiting the hug.

I smiled before saying, "It's always a pleasure seeing you, Molly."

She tilted her head slightly with a smile before looking over at her sons. She wrapped them both into an affectionate hug before saying goodbye to me and motioning to the twins that it was time to leave.

As the Weasleys walked away I waved to the twins in case they turned around. Luckily for me they both did and looked at each other before running back over to me. They both wrapped me into a big a hug and Fred started, "Didn't think you'd get to-"

"Leave without giving us a hug, did you?" George finished.

By this time the whole family had stopped and was watching. George backed up a bit and then nodded at Fred. Fred then wrapped me into a tight hug, lifting me off the ground slightly and spinning me around.

When he sat me back down I smiled while holding his face. "Can I?" Fred asked.

I nodded and he brought me in for a long kiss. I felt my heart stop as he kissed me. I felt the happiest when I was with Fred. When he stopped kissing me he put our foreheads together saying, "I'm so overwhelmingly in love with you, Y/n."

I wrapped my arms around his neck saying, "I love you more, Fred Weasley."

When we let go of each other I nervously looked over at the Weasleys remembering that they were there the entire time. Ginny was clapping and had a huge smile across her face. Ron looked at everyone asking, "When the bloody hell did that happen?"

I then noticed Molly was missing from the group right before she pulled me into another hug, "I knew you two would get together eventually! Fred's lucky to have a girl like you, dear!"

She pulled away from the hug and grabbed my face once again, "You're family, Y/n. You're always welcome at the Burrow!"

I smiled back, "Thank you, Molly."

She let go of me and put one hand on Fred's face, "She's a keeper," before walking back to the Weasleys.

Fred looked at me before saying, "Goodbye, love."

"Goodbye, Freddie," I said.

Then Fred turned around and walked away from me with his family. I watched them the entire time, all the way until I couldn't see them anymore. Till we meet again, Weasleys.


September 28, 2020: Thank you all so much for reading my story. I really appreciate the votes and reads but sadly this story has come to an end and I hope you enjoyed the story while it lasted. <3

October 7, 2020: I've decided to continue writing this story due to the overwhelming amount of love this story is receiving. I'll be posting daily and I hope you enjoy it! <3

Word Count: 1,385

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