Chapter 11: The First Task

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Y/n: Your name
Y/l/n: Your last name

Y/n's POV:

I was a bit worried about Harry so I went early to get the twins and I seats while they set up their portable gambling booth. Students finally started arriving and so did the twins. I saw then twins begin to gamble and I smiled as I saw Fred, I can't help but think he looks really cute in that little hat.

As if he could hear my thoughts he looked up at me and smiled back. I know they're identical twins but I've always been more attracted to Fred, ever since I met them on the Hogwarts Express.

We were all first years, and I was trying to find a compartment when I walked straight into Fred, I looked up from my place on the floor to see him looking down at me holding out his hand, "You've got to be more careful."

I smiled and accepted his hand. As he helped me stand up he said smiling, "I'm Fred Weasley."

"I'm Y/n Y/l/n," I said not letting go of his hand.

Before more conversation could happen George peeked out of the compartment smirking, "First year and you've already got yourself a girlfriend don't you, Freddie?"

Ever since we first met, George has been making jokes about Fred and I being together. "That's George," Fred said nodding towards his twin.

"Hello, sorry I walked into you, I was just looking for a compartment. All of the ones I've seen have been full," I said sheepishly while letting go of Fred's hand and rubbing the back of my neck.

"You can come and sit with us," Fred said motioning to the door.

I smiled and accepted the offer. Ever since then the twins and I have been inseperable, I smiled at the memory. I had been so deep in thought that I hadn't noticed that the twins were already done gambling and were sat down on either side of me.

~Time Skip~

It was finally Harry's turn and then I realized none of the previous champions had the Horntail. I watched as Harry came out and made eye contact with me. I gave him a weak smile and he attempted to return it. He broke the eye contact and looked for the golden egg.

As he began to walk towards it the Horntail smashed it's tail towards Harry, attempting to crush him. I put my head in my hands gripping my hair. I felt arms wrap around me comfortingly, "It's okay, love. He'll be fine."

I looked up to see Fred giving me a weak smile, my heart was racing but then I remembered Harry and whipped my head back towards the task. Harry was trying to climb a rock but was flung off of it by the Horntail's tail, "Your wand, Harry!" I yelled.

Hermione looked over at me and yelled the same thing. Harry then yelled, "Accio Firebolt," before he lept onto his broom and flew towards the egg.

He missed due to the dragon's fire and flew out of the stadium as the crowd, including me, cheered. The dragon then broke free of it's chain and flew after Harry, "Well done dragon!" Fred shouted.

I elbowed him in his side for the comment while he chuckled. After a while it went silent, inside and outside of the stadium. Assuming the worst I buried my head in Fred's chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

I began to tear up as I heard cheering and quickly looked up to see Harry flying back into the stadium. I quickly stood up and cheered as he grabbed the egg.

~Time Skip~

The Gryffindor common room was full of cheering as Fred and George picked Harry up and set him on one of each of their shoulders as George started,"Yes, Harry!"

"We knew you wouldn't die, Harry! Loose a leg-!" Fred continued.

"Or an arm!" George yelled.

"Pack it in altogether?" Fred said.

"Never!" they said simultaneously.

The golden egg was being passed up to Seamus who shushed everyone before kissing the egg, "Go one, Harry. What's the clue?"

Harry grabbed the egg, "Who wants me to open it?"

The common room was full of screaming in response before he asked again. But as he opened it an ear splitting sound came out of the egg. Everyone closed their ears, including me and the paintings. The twins dropped Harry out of instinct and Harry scrambled on the floor to close the egg.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked entering the room as Harry closed the egg.

Harry and Ron started to awkwardly stare at eachother before Fred said, "Alright, everyone! Go back to your knitting. This is going to be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in."

I chuckled as Fred walked over to me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "You okay, love?"

I blushed at the gesture, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Fred removed his hand from my face as he said, "Just wondering if you were shaken up after that bloody loud interruption."

"I'm fine, Freddie. Don't go turning into Ron on me," I said smiling.

The moment was interrupted by George calling Fred over to him. "Brilliant, I'll talk to you later, love. I can hear my whiny brother calling me," Fred said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

He removed his hand and walked over to his brother. I smiled while thinking, he's so perfect.

Word Count: 944

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now