Chapter 37: The Last Day of Seventh Year

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Y/n - Your Name
Y/o/n - Your Owl's Name

Y/n's POV:

Dumbledore and Harry had finally been vindicated and Umbridge was suspended. It was finally the last day of my 7th year. I couldn't wait until I left and could see Fred and George again.

I woke up to a constant tapping sound coming from my window. I sat up in my bed, turning towards the sound, to see Y/o/n pecking at the window. I quickly stood up, opening the window for Y/o/n.

Y/o/n flew in, dropping a letter onto my desk, before landing on the perch on my desk. I opened the desk drawer to give my owl a treat. As Y/o/n nibbled on the treat, I picked up the letter.

I immediately noticed that it had my name on it in Fred's messy handwriting. I smiled before running over to the window, every letter he's ever sent me has had something in it that was rigged to make a mess so I wanted to be prepared.

I extended my hand out of the window, careful not to drop it. As I opened the envelope, heart-shaped confetti shot out of it, some getting inside of my dorm. I pulled out the letter itself, shaking the confetti off of it before bringing my hands back inside.

I sat at my bed, opening the letter, revealing Fred's messy handwriting:

"Dear Y/n,

How're you doing without us, love? Hope you're not missing us too much. I've managed to convince George to wait on decorating the shop since I know you wanted to help. Oh and can you grab a few things from George and I's dorm? We left some things on accident, some on purpose. We'll be at King's Cross when you arrive, so don't keep me waiting too long. All jokes aside, I've missed you and I can't wait to see you again.

See you soon,
Your beloved boyfriend, Fred Weasley"

I clutched the letter to my chest, falling backwards onto my bed. I'd let my parents know early on that Fred and George would be picking me up from King's Cross. I couldn't be more excited to see them again.

Then I realized Y/o/n had woken me up early and I didn't even know what time it was. I looked at the wall, directly at the clock, it read 6 A.M. I laid my head back onto the bed out of frustration. Well now I'm wide awake, guess I might as well go and get the things from their dorm. I'm sure Lee won't mind..

I stood up and walked to the door, opening and closing it behind me. I walked to the boy's dormitories and then to the door leading into Fred and George's room. Making sure to open and close it quietly. I was surprised to see that Lee and the other boy they shared their dorm with weren't there.

I began looking around for the things they'd left, noticing this is the cleanest their side of the room has ever been. I started by looking under Fred's bed, nothing but dust. I then checked Fred's desk where I found used parchment and three Skiving Snackboxes.

I shoved the parchment and snackboxes into my enchanted bag in case they were things he wanted. It's kind of suspicious how clean their room is.

Remembering that they hardly ever make their beds I decided to check under Fred's covers. As I lifted up the covers I saw Fred's green sweater with his initial on it, a note lying on top of it.

I picked up the note that was in Fred's messy writing, it read:

"In case you get cold or miss me being there for you to sleep on.- Fred"

I smiled before setting the note into my bag. My smile decreased as I looked at the sweater. I wish they were here for our last day.

Then I brought the sweater to my face, smelling it, noting how much it smelled like Fred. I smiled as I inhaled his cinnamon and fireworks scent.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now