Chapter 41: The Christmas Party

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Y/n - Your Name
Y/l/n - Your Last Name
A/c - Any Color

Y/n's POV:

It's been nearly two months since Lee's Halloween party and I was once again waking up to a loud tapping noise, coming from the window. I sat up, looking at the window to see Hedwig. Why do I always get woken up by an owl?

I groggily stood up, opening the window before Hedwig flew in, dropping a letter. I sat down at the end of the bed as I opened the envelope, pulling the letter out. As I opened the letter my eyes were met with Harry's handwriting:

"Dear Y/n,

A lot has happened since the last time we spoke, and in response to your Halloween costume; I didn't know you were such a big fan of the Chosen One. We have a new Potions professor called Horace Slughorn, who has something called the Slug Club. It consists of his most liked students and both Hermione and I have become a part of it.

A girl I know off the Quidditch pitch named Katie Bell was cursed. She was given a necklace to deliver to Dumbledore, not knowing that it was cursed, and I bet it was Draco that's done it. Hermione and Ron still won't listen to reason about him being a Death Eater and I don't know how to prove it to them.

But on a lighter note, I've become the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and Ron is our new keeper. Ron's actually seem to have got himself a girlfriend, and you could say Hermione's a bit upset. I was hoping you could talk to her. Hermione and I've talked about it but I feel it'd be easier for her to talk to you.

Going back to Slughorn, he's invited Hermione and I to a Christmas party tomorrow evening and we're meant to bring someone. I was wondering, would you like to come with me, as friends of course? I could understand if you don't want to, it's a long way to travel for a Christmas party. But if you decide to come, apparate to Hogsmeade at 4 P.M. and meet me outside the Three Broomsticks, I hope to receive your answer soon.

Harry Potter"

I smiled before standing up, walking to the desk to send a reply, saying I accept the request. After I finished writing the letter I handed it to Hedwig, who shortly after flew out of the window. I heard moving on Fred and I's bed as I heard Fred ask, "Who was the letter for?"

I turned to look at him, standing up from the desk and crawling back into bed with him, "Harry, he's asked me to attend a Christmas party at Hogwarts with him."

Fred wrapped his arms around me, pulling me towards his bare chest while chuckling, "So you like famous blokes?"

I looked up at him, "Actually, I'm pretty sure I like 6'3 gingers."

He smirked while saying, "I hope you don't mean George."

"6'3 gingers whose names start with an F," I corrected, smirking back.

"How many 6'3 gingers whose names start with an F do you know exactly?" Fred asked sarcastically.

"Just one," I responded, pecking him quickly on the lips.

~Time Skip~

After working at the shop I packed everything I needed, walking over to Fred, who was laying in the bed. I kneeled down next to him, grazing his face with my hand. Fred sat up as he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it. He stared at me while saying, "I'll miss you, love."

"It'll only be a few days, don't worry," I said with a small smile.

"At least let me pay for where you have to sleep in Hogsmeade," Fred pleaded.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now