Chapter 3: The Face Paint

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Y/n - Your name

Y/n's POV:

I wake up and look at the ceiling thinking about last night, was that a dream or did Fred Weasley kiss me on my forehead?

I smiled to myself and sat up in bed while dangling my feet off the side. My mind had decided that it was just a dream and last night didn't happen as a whole. Then I heard a knock at the door and Fred popped his head inside the room. He smiled as we made eye contact and said, "Good morning, love."

I smiled, "Good morning."

He closed the door to allow me to get ready and I realized happily to myself, I guess it wasn't a dream.

~Time skip~

As the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and I walked to where the portkey was, a man appeared. The man spoke to Arthur and was introduced to the rest of us as Amos Diggory, then his son was introduced as Cedric Diggory.

Fred noticed how Hermione and Ginny were looking at Cedric and looked to see if I had that same look. He was happily suprised to see I was looking right back at him. I opened my arm out to link arms with him and he gladly accepted.

We kept walking until we reached a dusty looking boot. Everyone started to grab hold of the boot as Amos said a countdown. Arthur realized Harry was just standing there and yelled, "Harry!"

Harry grabbed the boot just before it started to spin everyone in a circular, upwards motion. As we were in the air we were told to let go, in which we reluctantly did.

We hit the ground hard and I heard a groan. I opened my eyes to see I was laying on top of Fred, he then opened his eyes and smiled while saying, "Hello, love."

I blushed out of embarrassment and quickly backed up off of him. He stood up and held out his arm to me to help me get up. I took it and smiled as I stood up. When I was fully up he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

We walked toward the campsite for the World Cup. I smiled at what I saw. I pointed to a stand where they were selling face paint. Fred chuckled and said, "If you promise to do my face I'll buy some for you."

George overheard and put his arm around my other shoulder while saying, "Don't forget about me."

I chuckled and responded, "I'd be honored to paint your faces."

~Time skip~

We had split up with Amos and Cedric and then set up inside the Weasley's tent. I saw Hermione getting ready to do Ron's face paint for the Bulgarians and I decided that it was time to do the twins' faces. I left my room and saw the twins with their feet on the dining room table. They saw me and excitedly stood up and ran like children up to me.

Fred handed me the face paint and I started on Fred's face first. He wanted something really extra so I outlined a green clover and filled it in. Then I painted the rest of his face white. He looked in the mirror and I moved on to George's face.

"Seeing as I'm the more attractive twin I want something that covers my face less," George said smirking as I got the green ready.

"You wish," Fred replied.

I chuckled and gave George a simple green and white, horizontal stripe on each cheek. "Now you both look beautiful," I said while smiling.

"You know, Y/n. You could look better," George says while smirking at Fred.

Fred nodded, "Oh I know, " he responded while putting his finger into the green face paint.

I quickly realized what was happening and began to stand up only to be held down by George. I felt Fred's finger swipe on both of my eyebrows, a line down the bridge of my nose, and then a line on my chin. George then lets me go and laughs, "That's more like it."

George walks away to go show Ron his face and I start to stand up. Fred grabs my hand and says, "Wait, one more thing."

I sat back down and he leans in close to my face while putting his finger back into the paint. He writes on my forehead and I wasn't sure what he was writing exactly. I then realize how close we are and blush while my eyes drift down from his eyes to his lips. He interrupts my train of thought by saying, "Perfect," while handing me a mirror.

I realize that it says "Fred's" in messy handwriting on my forehead, he even included a cute little heart. I smiled at the mirror and turned to him while saying, "Aw, Fred. I love it."

Fred smiled at my response before standing up and grabbing an Irish themed top hat from the table and placing it onto his head. He tipped the hat and held out his hand for me, "Shall we?"

"We shall," I responded while standing up and taking his hand.

Word Count: 863

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now