Chapter 14: The Rumor

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Y/n: Your name

Y/n's POV:

The twins and I had a plan for the day, we'd go to potions and I'd finish my work early and go set up our prank for Snape while they stayed in class. It would look too suspicious if we all finished early and left. I had finished setting it up and walked back to potions to find the twins.

Apparently I took longer than expected because potions had ended. I peeked inside the potions classroom and didn't see Fred or George so I began to leave when I heard a few girls in my year talking around the corner, "Did you see how Fred asked Angelina to the Yule ball?"

My heart dropped as they continued, "Yeah, I'd just die if a guy asked me like that. It was so romantic."

I backed away from the corner and hit the wall behind me. I started sinking down the wall while my eyes began to water. Once I reached the floor I was sobbing.

I put my head in my hands and tugged on my hair, It was dumb of me to think Fred actually liked me.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I heard someone ask.

I looked up to see Fred, George, and Angelina walking towards me. I made eye contact with Fred as I stood up and he began to walk faster. I wasn't thinking clearly and ran away from them, into the direction of the girls around the corner.

I cried as I ran through the halls, trying to lose Fred. Once I was sure I lost him I began to walk to the Gryffindor common room.

When I got into the common room Harry and Ron were the only ones inside, brainstorming on getting dates to the Yule Ball. They looked towards me before realizing I was crying.

Harry got up first and quickly walked over to me, "What happened, Y/n?"

"Nothing, Harry. Don't worry about it," I said starting to walk away.

Harry grabbed my arm softly, "You can tell us."

I turned around and looked at them both, "Okay but please don't make fun of me."

"We would never," Ron said shaking his head.

I began to explain what happened and everything came out. When I say everything I mean everything, including how I'm in love with Fred.

"So you're telling me you actually love Fred and he didn't ask you to the ball?" Ron asked.

I nodded before he said, "That's almost unbelievable, everyone knows how bloody obsessed he is with you."

When I didn't respond he continued putting a hand on my shoulder, "I'll talk to him about it, if he did ask her he's a total git for it."

"If it makes you feel any better we're struggling with getting dates to the ball also," Harry said gesturing to himself and Ron.

After a moment of silence Harry spoke up again, "Wait, Y/n. Would you like to go as my date? As friends of course."

I wiped my face as I smiled lightly, "I'd love to, Harry. Thank you."

I hugged him and as I exited the hug Ron said, "Good for you but that doesn't help me."

I looked at him confused, "Why not ask Hermione?"

"She's pretending like she's already got a date. I'd ask her if she wasn't so bloody proud," Ron replied rolling his eyes.

"Well I hope you figure it out," I said putting my hand on his shoulder, "I'm going to head up to my room so I'll see you guys later."

As I walked up the stairs I heard them both say, "See you later."

~Time Skip~

Fred's POV:

George and I were walking to the Gryffindor common room after searching the school for Y/n. Why did Y/n look so upset? What if someone hurt her?

As we walked into the common room I was lightly shoved backwards. I looked up to see an angry Ron and Harry standing behind him. "What'd you do that for?" I asked confused.

"What'd you ask Angelina to the ball for?" Ron asked.

"Ron, you were there. George asked Angelina to the ball," I replied elbowing and looking at George.

"Well Y/n heard that you did and came in here earlier crying," Ron said crossing his arms.

"What? Where is she now?" I asked worriedly.

"In her room," Harry cut in.

I began to walk towards the girl's dormitory stairs when I remembered that the stairs would turn into a slide if I stood on them. This is going to take more than an explanation to fix.

"You should talk to Y/n, Freddie," George suggested.

I turned around and began to walk out when I heard Ron ask, "Where are you going?"

"To set something up for, Y/n," I said walking through the portrait hole.

~Time Skip~

Y/n's POV:

I hadn't been out of my dormitory since I heard that Fred had asked Angelina to the ball. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go the main room and sit by the fireplace to think.

Then I heard the portrait hole open, I turned my head towards the sound to see Fred stepping inside. I can't help but think he was off with Angelina.

My thoughts upset me so I began to walk back to my dormitory when Fred grabbed my hand. I turned around after stopping myself from tearing up, "What, Fred?"

"Want to do something fun?" he asked with a forced smile.

"It's late, Freddie," I responded.

"Please, love," Fred pleaded.

I tensed at the thought of him calling Angelina love, my nickname.

"How many girls do you call 'love'?" I said chuckling to cover up the upset tone in my voice.

"Just you," Fred says pausing to hold his hand up to my cheek before finishing, "Love."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling at his response, "Fine."

Fred removed his hand from my cheek and grabbed my hand. He then walked towards the portrait hole and opened it, then closed it behind us.

Word Count: 1,016

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now