Chapter 49: The Lovegoods

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Y/n - Your Name

Y/n's POV:

"Hey, Hermione, Y/n!" Harry shouted from outside the tent, waking both of us up.

We both raised our heads and looked at each other confused while Harry continued shouting, "Hermione, Y/n?"

I sat up completely, throwing my legs off of the side of the bed as I heard Harry running towards the tent. I started rubbing my eyes when I heard the tent open, asking, "What, Harry?"

Hermione let out a small gasp, causing me to stop rubbing my eyes. I looked at the entrance, time slowing down as my eyes were met with the brown ones I loved so much. Fred stood at the entrance with a huge smile on his face, his hair had grown longer since I'd seen him, not as long as he'd worn it in sixth year though.

I rubbed my eyes again, thinking it was too good to be true. When I opened my eyes again he was directly in front of me, wrapping me into a bone-crushing hug. "Fred! Is this a dream?" I asked as I soaked in his scent.

Fred held the back of my head with his hand before sitting on the floor, pulling me onto his lap without exiting the hug for a single second. "No, I'm right here, love," Fred answered as he nuzzled his head into the crook in my neck.

I tightened my grip around him, tears starting to fall from my eyes as I processed that he was really here, directly in front of me. When we pulled away from the hug Fred held my face, wiping away my tears as they streamed down my face. "Hope you didn't miss me too much," Fred said with a smirk.

Only just then did I realize that he was crying too as I stared at his tear stained face. "Oh, Freddie," I said as I held my hands up to his face, wiping away his tears.

Hermione left the room silently, probably to see if Ron was here as well. Fred leaned into my touch, his tears slowing down as he said, "There wasn't a moment when we were apart that I didn't spend thinking of you."

I put my hands on his shoulders, him lifting his right hand to take hold of my chin. Fred leaned in towards me, closing the gap between our lips. We both poured our heart and soul into the kiss, the same kiss that we'd both dreamed of having for the past month.

All the tension and fear we'd been carrying on our shoulders, of not knowing whether or not the other was safe or even alive, slowly being lifted with every second our lips moved in sync. Fred ran his hands along my body as I tangled my fingers in his hair, the kiss intensifying.

Eventually we had to pull away for air. We stared at each other before I chuckled, "You're going to need a haircut."

"You think so?" Fred said with a smirk as he felt his hair.

"You!" Hermione shouted from outside, followed by a thud, causing us to stop and look towards the entrance of the tent.

We both sighed before standing up, me latching onto his arm as we walked to the entrance of the tent. As we walked outside we saw Hermione shove Ron while saying, "Complete-"

Hermione bent over, picking up leaves from the ground and throwing them at him with all of her might while she continued, "Ass, Ronald Weasley!"

Ron stared at her, confused and startled as she picked up his bag from the ground hitting him with it, saying, "You show up here after weeks, and you say 'hey'?"

They stared at each other for a moment, Hermione angry and Ron startled. "Where's my wand, Harry?" Hermione asked as she turned to Harry, "Where's my wand?"

"I don't know," Harry said as he backed up quickly.

"Harry Potter, you give me my wand!" Hermione shouted, backing him up against a tree.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now