Chapter 25: The Detention

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Y/n - Your name
Y/l/n - Your last name

Y/n's POV:

I was sat down next to a Slytherin girl for our first Defence Against the Dark Arts class of our seventh year. I would've been sat with Fred had the twins decided to take NEWTs this year, but they didn't since they had the idea of setting up a joke shop. Everyone was holding separate conversations when they were interrupted by that annoyingly high pitched giggle.

We all turned and looked at the ogre-faced woman in all pink, standing at the entrance of the classroom, "Good morning, children."

Umbridge began to walk down one of the isles of desks saying, "Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test," while writing it on a chalkboard at the front of the class.

"N-E-W-Ts, more commonly known as NEWTs," she said reaching the front of the classroom, "Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

As she finished she waved her wand towards two stacks of books, using magic to pass them out to everyone, "You're previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you will be pleased to know, from now on you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic."

I stared at the cover of the book that had been placed in front of me, it read, "DARK ARTS DEFENCE Basics for Beginners," with a childish illustration. Beginners? We're in our seventh year?

The girl from Slytherin I was sat next to raised her hand and said, "Sorry, but there's nothing in here about using defensive spells?"

"Using spells?" Umbridge asked as if she was crazy, letting out another giggle, "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

"We're not going to use magic?" Lee Jordan asked after also raising his hand.

"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way," She said gesturing with her hands.

"What use is that? If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free." I asked puzzled, forgetting to raise my hand.

Umbridge turned around while saying, "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class."

I scoffed quietly in annoyance and confusion as she continued, "It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations. Which, after all, is what school is all about."

"How's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" I mumbled quietly.

"There's nothing out there, dear! Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?"

"I dont know, maybe Voldemort," I said under my breath while rolling my eyes, louder than I meant it to come out.

The room went completely silent after I said that. Umbridge looked around at the students in her classroom. She began walking down one of the isles saying, "Now, let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again, this is a lie."

Feeling the need to defend my friend I said, "It's not a lie, Harry fought him."

"Detention, Ms. Y/l/n!" Umbridge said, quickly walking to the front of the room.

I clenched my hand in a fist while attempting to hold my tongue. As she reached the front of the room she said, "See me later, Ms. Y/l/n. My office," adding a giggle at the end.

~Time Skip~

After class everyone began filing out of the class I watched as Umbridge went into her office. I turned to Lee who was exiting the room and said, "Hey, Lee!"

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now