Chapter 7: The Beard

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Y/n - Your Name

Y/n's POV:

Fred and I were suprisingly alone in the common room as everyone else was either in class or at different parts of the castle. We sat across each other with a cauldron between us. I stood up and carefully filled two viles with the amount of aging potion the twins needed. "Andddd finished!" I declared while clanking two viles together.

I sat the viles into a container as Fred quickly stood up from the ground. He walked around the cauldron and lifted me up by my waist while spinning me in a circle,"You're so brilliant, Y/n!"

He sat me down and brought me in for a quick hug. I was taken aback by the random affection but smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I layed my head on his chest and allowed myself to take in his scent, cinnamon, fireworks, and burning wood.

We both exited the hug and looked each other in the eyes. He started rubbing the back of his neck as he said, "Listen, Y/n-"

Fred was cut off by the Fat Lady's portrait opening, but there was no sign of anyone except a voice, "Hey guys, did you brew the potion or have you just been snogging the whole time?"

"How about you come and see, George," I replied while sitting down on the couch next to the table with the viles on it.

"I'd like to not watch you and my brother snog thank you very much," he replied covering his eyes with his hand while walking in.

"George, just get over here," I said while Fred sat down next to me.

George peeked through his fingers like a child. When he saw the viles he removed his hand and ran up to the table. "Merlin, they're perfect," he said while looking at me.

"You should probably drink them right before you try and put your name in the goblet," I suggested.

"Thank you, Y/n!" George said excitedly grabbing a vile and heading towards the door.

Fred chuckled a bit while standing up. He faced me and held out his hand for me. After I grabbed it he grabbed the other vile and headed after George, equally excited as his twin.

As we turned down the hallway that led to the Great Hall Fred looked at me and smiled while letting go of my hand and running up to George. I watched them turn into the Great Hall and shortly after hear them laughing while saying, "Yesss!" followed by applause. I entered the room and quickly walked over to sit next to Hermione as the twins showed everyone their potions.

Hermione rolled her eyes and said in a singsong tune, "It's not going to work."

The twins smirked at each other and then Fred sat next to me while saying, "Oh yeah?"

Followed by George sitting next to Hermione while saying, "And why is that, Granger?"

Hermione pointed to the age line around the goblet, "You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred responded.

Hermione scoffed, "So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge so pathetically, dim-witted as an aging potion."

"Yeah but that's why it's so brilliant," Fred responded.

"Cause it's so pathetically, 'dim-witted'," George finished.

I rolled my eyes at their responses as they stood up laughing. They both shook their viles, "Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George," Fred continued.

They linked their arms and swallowed the potion after saying, "Bottoms up."

They jumped off the bench they were standing on and jumped right over the age line, I was shocked that it had worked. The room broke out into applause and the twins started cheering again. Fred turned to me and winked before looking at his brother as they both said, "Ready?" then put their names in.

Just as applause began again flames went out of the goblet and hit the twins onto the ground. When they sat up their hair turned from red to gray and grew wildly, then they grew gray, unkept, beards. The twins began to fight and blame each other. Viktor Krum entered the room and everyone went silent except for the twins so I stood up and walked over to them.

I grabbed Fred by his robes who was currently on top of George and then I helped them both up. I watched Viktor put his name in and then leave. Everything went back to normal after so I held out my arms for the twins and they linked up with me. Then I walked them to the the hospital wing to do something about the aging.

~Time skip~

The twins and I had been sitting in the hospital wing for an hour and Madam Pomfrey had given the twins medication to reverse the aging. The twins weren't physically hurting and there weren't any extra chairs for me to sit in so I sat on the side of Fred's hospital bed. "Would now be a good time for an 'I told you so' or is it too soon?" I asked smirking.

"Ah shut it, Y/n," George groaned while looking at his old face in a mirror.

"Would now be a good time to consider keeping this beard?" Fred asked while also looking at his old face in a mirror.

I brought the mirror Fred was holding down and grabbed his chin to inspect his face, "If you don't shave it off, I will. You look much better without it."

"You sure?" he asked smirking.

"One hundered percent sure, Fred," I responded.

"Your wish is my command," he said while picking up a razor and standing up to shave the beard off.

Fred came back with a freshly shaved face and even his ginger hair was coming back due to the medicine Pomfrey gave him. He sat back down and I got closer to him and grabbed his chin again. "Much better," I said while smiling.

"Glad you like it," he said smirking.

Word Count: 1,011

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now