Chapter 27: The Hog's Head

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Y/n - Your name

Y/n's POV:

Fred, George, and I were in their dorm, brainstorming ideas for their joke shop. George was sitting on his bed and Fred was sitting on his, my head in his lap. We'd been there for half an hour and couldn't think of anything.

I gasped while sitting up, an idea rushing into my head. Fred and George looked at me, excited for whatever my idea was. I smiled, "How about some kind of paste that heals a certain type of injury within a small period of time?"

Fred smiled before wrapping his arm around me, pulling me to him roughly, "Brilliant, love!"

George snapped before pointing at me, "Perfect, write that down!"

Fred let me go, smiling at me. I smiled back before walking over to Fred's desk and grabbing a piece of parchment, asking, "You mind?"

"Go ahead," Fred said shrugging.

I bent over his desk, writing, "Joke shop Ideas:"

I stood up, "What injury?"

"Dislocated jaw!" Fred said excitedly at the same time as George saying, "Blown off ear!"

Fred and I looked at George in unison, confused, "That's strangely specific," I said.

George shrugged, "Sounded cool."

After a few moments of silence I turned back to the piece of parchement, "Okay, Bruise-Healing Paste."

"Boring," Fred and George said in unison, dragging out the o.

As I stood up I looked between Fred and George, "Anything else?"

They looked to be thinking extremely hard until Fred spoke up, "What about an invention that creates a swamp?"

"Do you even know how many pranks we could do with that?" George asked excitedly.

"We can make hats and place invisibility charms on them so that the person wearing it's head will be invisible, while the rest of their body remains visible," I said shrugging.

George chuckled, "That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard, Y/n."

I picked up a pillow and threw it at his face, smirking, "Says the one who hasn't even had an idea yet."

"Ow-" George started.

"Shut it, Georgie, it was just a pillow," I said immediately cutting him off.

Fred put a hand on his chest, "I think it's a genius idea, Y/n."

I looked up at him with a smile before he said, "Kind of," with a smirk.

I groaned before standing up, crossing my arms, "I was just trying to help."

Fred stared at me for a few seconds before saying smugly, "We can call em' Headless Hats."

I smiled before running quickly over to the parchment and writing, "Portable Swamp," followed by, "Headless Hat."

As I stood up we heard a voice say loudly, "That foul, evil, old gargoyle."

I sighed, "That's Hermione, I'll go see what's wrong."

"Okay, love," Fred replied.

I stared at him for a moment before walking out. As I walked towards the stairs I heard Hermione continue, "We're not learning how to defend ourselves."

I began walking down the stairs as she said, "We're not learning how to pass our OWLs."

Right as I reached them I said, "She's taking over the entire school," knowing who they were talking about.

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now