Chapter 29: The Chocolate

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Y/n - Your Name

Y/n's POV:

The DA was gathered in the Room of Requirement for our first training lesson. We were in a line to use a spell against one of the dummies that was provided by the room.

Neville and Harry stood at the front of the line followed by Ron and Hermione, the twins and I, and so on. Harry nodded towards Neville, gesturing for him to give it a try.

Neville looked at the dummy nervously before shouting, "Expelliarmus!"

Suddenly his wand flew backwards out of his hand, nearly hitting everyone in the line directly in the face. We all ducked the wand until it flew into the wall.

Fred and George chuckled a bit at Neville, earning an elbow in their stomachs from me. Neville turned to Harry as everyone stood back up, saying, "I'm hopeless."

"You're just flouishing your wand too much. Try it like this, Expelliarmus!" Harry said, demonstrating the correct movement, successfully disarming the dummy.

Everyone stared in understanding before Harry had everyone take turns, trying it. Only a few people unsuccessfully performed the spell, not including me.

~Time Skip~

We were gathered for another meeting, except this time we were spilt in half, each half on it's own side of the room. I was standing between the twins, like usual, when Harry walked between the sides saying, "Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal, it's sort of a wizard's bread and butter really."

When he reached the other end of the room he continued, "So come on, then, Nigel. Give it your best shot."

Everyone turned their heads to look at a small, ginger haired boy that was standing across from Harry. Nigel stared at Harry for a moment before shouting, "Stupefy!"

Nigel's spell was successful in throwing Harry and himself backwards. Harry began to sit up saying, "Good. Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done."

As Harry and Nigel stood up he instructed, "Now, I want everyone to get into pairs."

I saw George turn to look at Fred while Fred turned to look at me. Feeling slightly awkward I just kept looking forward while George said, "I didn't want to pair with you anyway," before gesturing for Angelina to come over.

I turned to Fred, "I think you've upset your brother."

"Trust me, he's fine," Fred said nodding his head towards George.

I turned directly to my right to see George wrapping his arm around Angelina, smiling. "Seems like you're correct," I said turning back to look at Fred.

Ron and Hermione stepped into the open space before Ron said, "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

"Thanks, Ronald," Hermione said as he began to walk to the other side of the room.

"Come on, Ron," a few of the boys said.

George leaned over to us as Ron reached the other side, "One Sickle."

"You're on," Fred replied.

"Count me in on that," I added.

Neville slowly raised his fist in the air as Ron prepared to start. Right as Ron began to open his mouth Hermione shouted, "Stupefy!"

Ron flew backwards in the air with a scared yelp. Neville slowly lowered his fist, embarrassed, as everyone began laughing. George dropped two Sickles into Fred's hand as Fred said, "Thank you."

You and Fred Weasley (A Fred Weasley x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now