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Advice Request
This person has very controlling parents.

Answered Submission
Hi there,

It seems like you're stuck somewhere you don't want to be. Now I don't know how old you are but as soon as you're eighteen, you're seen as an adult meaning you can go do what you want to do, but I understand that this could be a while away so I'm gonna try help the best I can for the mean time.

You mentioned your dad was a lot more chill with these rules rather than your mum. I know it sounds like an obvious option but have you tried pulling your dad aside from your mum and explaining how all this confinement and all the rules are making you feel mentally? It could seriously take a toll on you if you don't speak to someone who could help.

When you want to free your mind, considering you feel physically confined, could you possibly pick up new hobbies? For example art or knitting? I know it sounds silly but simple things can be a good escape from your normal life, like for me it's reading.

You could also distance yourself from your parents, if neither of them come to understand you feel like it's getting too much then show them that it is. Maybe some space from them, even if it's a small conversation rather than a big one, could help you.

If you want, you could even confront your mum but I would refrain from being rude and try and go about the situation as maturely as you can because at the end of the day you don't want this situation getting worse. If all fails, maybe try and see a specialist (a therapist) and see how they could help you.

I hope this helps, stay safe! <3

With love,
The Advice Column Team

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