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Advice Request
This person wants to know if they should start a conversation with their crush.

Answered Submission
Crushes are fun, aren't they? When you're not trying to fight them, that is. Then they become tiresome, but that's not the point. The point we're looking at today is whether or not to talk to your crush, and I say absolutely. If you like this person, talk to them. Get to know them. The worst that can happen is you'll feel awkward at first, and that's bound to happen anyway.

Now, I do have a fear for you when it comes to this. You're going to feel awkward, and uncomfortable, and scared, and chances are you're going to back out at least once. That's fine. A missed opportunity, but not the end of the world. My fear arises if you keep backing out. When you like someone, you can't always rely on them to make the first move. You can never be sure if they will until they do, so why not speed things up and go for it yourself? My advice here is to do your very best to draw up as much courage as you can and try to talk to this guy when you get the chance. I also want you to notice when you're backing out, and why. Is it really because you don't have time to, or are you just nervous? Figure out which excuses are excuses, so you can push past that.

So what the time comes, how do you talk to your crush? That is a very good question; I'm glad you asked. The best way to start a conversation is to start one. I know that doesn't make much sense, so let me explain. A conversation doesn't have to be overtly "meaningful". You don't have to dive into deep questions and "what is the meaning of life" type things. The best way to start a conversation is to just go for it. Talk. If you like someone's outfit, tell them. See a pin or sticker from your favorite show? Point it out. Starting a conversation doesn't have to be complicated. You just have to do it. The easiest way is to find something you have in common, and go from there. When you inevitably reach that awkward silence, face it. Either change the topic or end it there with an "It was nice talking to you" or something along those lines. Keep it simple. You can discuss deep inner thoughts later.

I hope this helps, darling. If you have any other questions or need our advice feel free to reach out again. Good luck with your crush!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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