Chapter Thirty five: I'm not going do anything you don't already want to do

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"So you're the young man who kept my granddaughter out late." My Abuela said cautiously staring Ian down he looked at me for support but got none because I was too busy digging into the amazing food before me.

He visibly gulped before taking a glass of water. "I really didn't intend to..." he started but trailed off when he noticed my Abuela's grin appear out of nowhere.

"I see she was in good hands." She said not looking at him and also slicing into her stake.

Ladies and gentlemen... my Abuela.

Let me say this even though I had been brought home by a serial killer who was holding a knife to my neck. And I was drunk out of my mind and possibly not breathing as long as it was a boy that brought me home she would have still said those exact same words.

She paused and put her fork of meat down her forehead forming into a crease. "Wait... isn't he the one that you said you were going to break, and I quote, 'his freaking neck.'

Ian choked on his food and started to cough wildly while tapping his chest my Abuela oblivious to this looked at him with concern as he took a glass of water and gulped it down.

"Abuela... these stakes are to die for." I moaned so that I didn't have to look at Ian who was staring wide-eyed at me.

"Why thank you." She said pinching my cheeks and me slapping her hands off while giving her a fake smile.

The rest of the meal was eaten in silence and I was relieved after I helped myself to the fifth servings we heard a low rumble of thunder outside indicating that it was going to rain.

"Look at that," My Abuela said folding her hands under her chin a look I didn't like forming on her face. "It's starting to rain."

I looked outside and saw it was raining... well drizzling. I looked at Ian which was the first time I looked up from my food since we started eating. "You better start going home Ian before it becomes a downpour," I grumbled in between mouthfuls of food.

"Too late it already is." He said with a smirk, pointing to show that it was in fact now raining heavily.

"Shame..." My Abuela sighed looking down at her food before looking back up at us brightly. "Oh well, that means you'll be staying with us tonight. I hope your parents won't mind though." She was looking at me when she said this that evil glint never leaving her eyes.

"Not at all, Ms. Alejandro." He also had that glint in his eyes this was not good... at all.

"They won't?..." I said turning to Ian with a forced smile. "...well I sure will." My forced smile disappearing into a grim thin line as I said this.

"Why do you both seem genuinely pleased about this anyway," I said carefully to my Abuela putting my fork down since I'd finished eating and wiping the sides of my mouth. "And besides it's not that bad surely he can still make it home..." I indicated pointing towards the window then through gritted teeth. "Right Ian."

He completely ignored the warning behind my tone and turned to my Abuela and said in the fakest weak voice ever. "I'm afraid Ms. Alejandro-"

"Paula." She interjected.

"Ah yes, Paula..." He said giving her a warm smile which made her blush... excuse me I think I just threw up in my mouth. "I'm afraid Paula here is right, I mean it's a downpour out there and I'm afraid I might just die of a cold if I step out in this storm."

He sounded so innocent, so pure, I actually almost did a spit take he sounded so responsible I actually started to doubt he was the Ian I knew my Abuela being the complete wimp that she could be let out an irritating aw.

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