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It's been a couple of days since everything went down with Nicole and I, and it's been pretty lonely since then. So I thought that maybe inviting my cousins over and could cure that.
So we are having a boys night and then hitting the road tomorrow morning.
The doorbell rings, and both Jey and Jimmy greet me with two bro shakes.
" How's everything?" Jey asks me as they flop on the couch.
" It's crazy." I reply, locking the door and going over there to see them.
" Well, we are here to make things better. So let's get going. Bring out the beer, and let's get going." Jimmy says.
" Yea, you too can do that. I'm just not feeling it."
" What type of boys night is this going to be, if you ain't drinking." Jimmy ask.
" Yea, plus, you did nothing wrong." Jey says." Nicole is in the wrong."
"How?" I ask.
"Well, we were speculating that about a few things before we came over here." Jimmy says.
"And what's that?"
" That the baby your wife is caring, ain't yours." Jey says.
" Yeah, think about it. Nicole told you she was pregnant when?" Jimmy ask.
" The night of the paper-per-view."
"And when did she discover this?" Jey asks.
" That morning." I respond.
" Right, so what took her long to tell you that news. When you two have been trying for the longest?" Jimmy asks. " Because maybe she's been getting some love from Randy on the side. And she was freaking out saying. 'Who's the baby daddy?' So when she found out about Vegas, she used that as an advantage to her situation. And she knows that you're a good guy, and you won't ask for a test to see if that's your baby."
"And if Randy is her ex... Whatever, why is he there to check on her and the baby? If he has no business being in this.'' Jey adds on.
"You two have a point. You do." I say, nodding my head thinking about everything they have said.

Out of the ring part 4Where stories live. Discover now