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Last Night was ridiculous! Like how is going to question me, I was out with my sister. Who no longer feels comfortable coming to our house, because of him. And he is acting like I am out drinking and partying which I can't do because he knocked me up.
And I was taking Brie's comment as a suggestion, but I am actually going to do it. Because it's going on a week now, and where are my couple therapy and my new house. He does not even mention it.

I find the business card of the home estate company, where we got this house from

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I find the business card of the home estate company, where we got this house from.
The phone dials before there is a male that picks up the phone.
" Hello?"
" Hi! This is Nicole, I am looking for-"
" Or yeah, she is on vacation. But I am taking over for now."
" So when will she be back?"
" I want to say next month."
" Oh, well I can back then."
" Oh, well is there anything I can help you with?"
" I was looking to sell the house."
" Oh! I thought you loved the house, your husband but it in an offer pretty fast."
" Well, yes. We did... We do. But we have unfortunately outgrown and we are trying to add to the nest."
" Oh, well on the other hand that's great. I can stop by today, with some paper work."
" Oh no." I say remembering that Roman is here. " How about Tuesday?"
" Alright, Tuesday around 3."
" Great, perfect." I hang up the phone and start quickly doing a happy dance.
After calming down, I start to go downstairs. I smell breakfast being cooked, which is something that has not been here for a while. But I quickly regret coming downstairs, because I see Roman's parents in the living room, and it's too late to back out because we already made eye contact.
This should be good!

Out of the ring part 4Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin