1.9K 92 68

C H A P T E R 117

There were twenty-four days until the third task and Samantha questioned why each day did not have more hours in it.

As much as she wished she could have forgone taking her final exams like they offered her, Samantha would have easily lost motivation and would have been far behind going into her last year.

What she did have to look forward to was a lot of Ministry departments coming to Hogwarts on the first Saturday of the month to talk to the sixth and seventh years and gauge what they might be interested in. It was some sort of career fair as Alicia put it who's muggle father organized those for his company.

Fred and George debated on not attending due to them already having figured out their future career path of business owners but Samantha practically dragged them from the common room. "Just come and see. You don't even have to talk to anyone. And what if Mr. Zonko is there or someone else who can help you jump start your own business. The Ministry is huge. I'm sure someone will be there that can give you some advice."

"Percy said he's coming," Fred said as they walked down the hallway and towards the Great Hall which was transformed after lunch.

"Of course he is," Lee added with a chuckle.

"Always has to show his importance, that one," George added.

They walked in and were met with numerous tables and professional looking wizards walking around. The seventh years had already arrived and were slowly walking around, talking to different departments.

Angelina immediately went for the Quidditch table while Alicia and Lee headed over to the St. Mungo's table as both of them were looking to become Healers or some type of medical staff. As soon as Samantha walked in, a few people from the Ministry noticed her and started waving over.

"Miss Potter! Miss Potter!" one called. "Come over here to learn about Magical creatures!"

"No! Come over here to Transportation!"

Samantha instantly paused and looked around at the people calling for her attention. It was definitely overwhelming as more and more of them caught wind that she had entered the room and started to flag her down.

"Everyone quiet!" a voice called out sternly from behind her. Samantha thanked Merlin when she turned and saw Professor McGonagall walking up. "Leave Miss Potter alone. She will approach whatever table she is interested in."

Samantha smiled politely at all of them and set off for the Hit Wizards Department. Fred and George did indeed see Mr. Zonko and stopped to catch up with him. Everyone watched her every move and what table she would approach.

The Ministry was a mad house and they prepared to try and recruit Samantha Potter, Triwizard Champion, to one of their departments. McGonagall and Dumbledore were very private about which avenues she was interested in and gave them no insight on who she might want to talk to.

At last, at the end of the first walkway, Samantha saw the table labeled Hit Wizards Department and stood behind a Ravenclaw seventh year to wait to talk to them. When he was finished, Samantha approached the table. She was met with two middle aged looking wizards. One was a tall female with long blonde hair that resembled Fleur Delacour's. She had bright blue eyes and very fair skin. The next was a shorter woman who resembled Parvati and Padma Patil. Her black hair was in nice tight curls down her shoulders which blended in with her black blazer. Both exuded power yet class and Samantha instantly felt at home.

"Hi!" the blonde woman said, smiling brightly at Samantha and holding out her hand to shake. "My name is Amanda Donnelly, vice deputy head of the Hit Wizards Department."

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