17. Directions to your heart

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Jeondelicious : Hey Tae

TaeGucci👅: Hi kookie

Jeondelicious : Wyd

U didn't text me all day

TaeGucci👅: were u waiting for my text?

Jeondelicious : Uhm yea?

TaeGucci👅: Awee so u like talking to mee?

Jeondelicious : Bruh

U wld be blocked by now if I didn't 

TaeGucci👅: Awe thankss

U just made my day

I'm sorry for not texting u

I was so tired

Such a shitty day ugh

Jeondelicious : Don't apologise

It's fine

But what's wrong?

TaeGucci👅: Just uni

and my parents

They think I'm useless

Prolly am :)

Jeondelicious : What the fuck

They called u useless? 


TaeGucci👅: I just kinda got bad grades and they think I'm gonna fuck up my life

Cuz uk right, we were poor

And though we're financially stable now they're afraid I'll end up like them

Jeondelicious : What grade did u get?

TaeGucci👅: a B

Jeondelicious : Oh my god I hate parents and their stupid mentality

Do they even fucking know how hard it is to get even a B in uni

They just have too many expectations 

And don't give a fuck abt us and our mental health

Ik cuz I can relate

My parents aren't any better

TaeGucci👅: Hmm Ik

Like I love them and all but I just wish they were more understanding

I don't think telling your child they're useless makes them feel euphoric

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