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i will be spending time with family

not update as much for a bit

because Christmas and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ

also don't be racist (Jesus did not discriminate, he ate with tax collectors, accepted water form a Samaritan, and let a prostitute wash his feet with her hair)

or sexist (Jesus was born of a woman, you know)

or homophobic (Jesus wants us to love everyone, even if you don't agree with them)

or transphobic (Jesus cares for everybody, including trans people)

but if you are I still love you (so does Jesus)

i don't like you but i love you

but seriously this is a problem people are dying

but also on a more wholesome note

there are some not racist cops

i know one

he's cool

so we have some people out there doing good

but remember

being part of the government does not make you above the law

Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, all the other winter holidays

I love you all

Bye Stars! (because you shine even when the night is dark, and yall are pretty) (to be decided)

~Author/name to be decided

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now