She bets on losing dogs

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please listen to a one hour loop of i bet on losing dogs but just the my baby part while reading

please read this slowly for best results

TW: mentioned character death, one mention of cannabis (not being used)

She hears him, every night without fail.

There's no way he can sleep without nightmares after what happened.

She walks into his room, with a glass of water and a smile.

"It's gonna be okay, baby."

He takes the water, drinking it gratefully. Careful of the medicine on his nightstand and the casts around his arm and legs. Careful of the folded up wheelchair and the boot for his right foot.

"I keep dreaming about Dad."

"I do too sweetie. What did you dream?"

"I was him, in the car, I saw myself in shotgun. I saw the truck in my peripherals. I felt the collision. I.. Do you think Dad was in pain?"

"I don't think so. The autopsy said he most likely died on impact. Just one second of pain, I think, then it was over. I don't think he suffered before he died."

"But what if he did?"

"Well, if he did, it wasn't for long. And I think he died peacefully. I think..."

She leans over to hug her boy. 

"I think he thought of us. I think his last moments were happy ones. I think he remembered. Remembered when you were a little boy and tripped on a toy car, we were so worried but you got right back up with a smile on your face. I think he remembered your fifth birthday, when you got that star wars Lego set, and we spent three days building it."

"Maybe he remembered when you went on that date and you spilled spaghetti sauce on yourself."

"Or when you were playing basketball, shot a hoop and the ball came straight back in your face."

She laughs. He did too.

"He remembered when we all went to Oregon, in America, for no reason at all, and ended up counting all the cannabis shops we could find." (guys there are so many. I live in Oregon and every time i go somewhere i pass at least one cannabis shop, usually more)

"There sure were a lot."




"Are you better now?"

"Sing me to sleep?"

She hasn't sung him to sleep in years.


She moves to sit in his chair.

"My baby, my baby. You're my baby, say it to me. Baby, my baby. Tell your baby that I'm your baby. My baby, my baby. You're my baby, say it to me. Baby, my baby. Tell your baby that I'm your baby. My baby, my baby. You're my baby, say it to me. Baby, my baby. Tell your baby that I'm your baby. My baby, my baby. You're my baby, say it to me. Baby, my baby. Tell your baby that I'm your baby. My baby, my baby. You're my baby, say it to me. Baby, my baby. Tell your baby that I'm your baby..."

She used to sing this to him every night, when he was younger. Her baby boy.

When he was twelve, he stops letting her. 'I'm not a baby's and 'Stop it Mum's were all she knew. 


He's seventeen, his dad is dead, and social media is going crazy over his disappearance.

He hasn't even told his friends yet.

For now, she sings to him, and tomorrow he will tell his friends and fans.

Tomorrow he will stream, and she will be with him.

She will be there for her baby.

A/N sorry i was depressed when i wrote this

I love you all!

Please don't self harm or kill yourself, reminder that i have discord at friendlyandtired #0791 and tumblr at massivetyrantduck if you would rather talk there.



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