white walls and wheelchairs

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nonono i didnt mean to publish this my finger clicked the wrong thing i am so sorry

Trigger Warning: sickness, thanks to @zenmaster1100 for the idea also so many reads how on earth i dont deserve this popularity

also what happens if i accept a friend request on twitch? what can i do with the friend?

do you guys wanna be my friends? on twitch or otherwise? i like friends

Tommy should have told someone. 

He didn't tell Phil.

He didn't tell Wilbur.

He didn't tell Dave.

He didn't tell Tubbo. (reason for that is I've heard Tubbo doesn't like his real name in fics)

He should've told them. He could have told anyone, even Badboyhalo would care.

He didn't tell anyone about his disease. 

He had so little time to live.

"Okay, Mr. Baker (I will not use his real last name ever in fics), Mrs. Baker, Tom, unfortunately, you have an estimated six months to live. Get your things in order, and I hope you have a good rest of your life." Dr. Lisa stated. She had helped him through this entire ordeal, being a doctor who specialized in illnesses like Tommy's.

"Six months." Tommy let that roll around in his head.

"Okay, thank you, we'll be heading home now." Mum said sweetly. She pushed Tommy's wheelchair down the hall, away and out of the stifling hospital. Dad followed with his medications. He hated his disease, he was weak, he was useless, he was going to die in six fucking months. He couldn't even walk by himself, he used to have crutches and then he had a walker and a cane but then he was too weak.

He still had to stream. He would have his parents help him into his chair and then stream by himself, keeping whatever tools he used for movement out of the camera shot. 

Streaming sucked. 

He was Tommyinnit, a happy, laughing child who never shut up, who annoyed everyone around him, why couldn't he be himself? Why does he have to be an arrogant, egotistical piece of shit to get followers?

But the fans loved Tommyinnit more than they loved Tommy. 

He didn't go by Tommy in the real world. School knew him as Tom, the way he wanted it. But Tubbo and Wilbur and the others thought of him as Tommy.

He only went by Tommy so that his 'I'm a child' character would seem more real. 

He liked the name Tom much better. Children like 'Tommy' don't get fatal diseases. Children like 'Tommy' don't have to go to the hospital to make sure they aren't dying regularly. Children like 'Tommy' are young and innocent and stupid and ignorant. Children like 'Tommy' don't fear death. Children like 'Tommy' believe death to be temporary.

But he is Tom, and Tom is older. Tom uses a wheelchair for mobility. Tom will never move out of his parents' house. Tom will never have a happily ever after. Tom understands death, gives it fear and respect. Tom is mature, smart, witty, sarcastic and thoughtful. Tom is a man, a lonely, hiding, mask-wearing old man, and he is going to die.

That's depressing.

"We're home, Toms," Mum said softly, gently placing a hand on his knee. Oh, right. He was in a car. Tom shook his head to clear his thoughts. He was in the backseat, behind Dad, in his wheelchair still. There are special cars for wheelchairs, and his parents had bought one a month ago, selling the original and therefore not losing much money. Dad had been driving.

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now