This story is about Tommyinnit (No it isn't)

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you may find: grammar mistakes. those are intentional. they are part of the experience

Tw: non-censored s**c*d*l ideation, arguing, slight spoilers for hunger games, the last olympian, and macbeth (and by slight i mean really really slight)

Tommy was a seventeen year old in his last year of high school. He was the loud guy with about four friends total. 

BUT. This year, Tommy was going to change something. (I'm going to kill myself) 

Well that's not part of the storyline. Let's try again. Tommy was going to change something. 

"I'm going to befriend those two seniors who never talk to anyone. Tubbo and Ranboo are their names." Tommy smiled. "They seem so lonely. (I am too)."

No you are not.  You have four friends, you're loud and funny, so even people you aren't friends with hang out with you. Shut up and stop ruining the story, Protagonist. You know what you're supposed to do.

Tommy walked into school with a smile and a laugh as his friend Eryn pushed over his friend Purpled. 

"What's up boys! I'm ready to get this school year done with and (kill myself)!"

"Oh absolutely," Purpled agreed. "I'm so ready to be done with school, my brother told me (Protagonist why aren't you following the script? You need to listen) and I didn't know what to say because I don't have the money to buy a car right now. Can you believe him?"

"Oh my god, really?" Tommy gasped. "We've got to get back at him, Purp." (Aren't you tired, Protagonist's Best Friend? I'm going to kill my character off, maybe end this.)

No you fucking don't. I'll stop you.

"Maybe we could... spray paint his car!" Freddie suggested. 

"HEY! DON'T HURT MY FRIEND!" Someone screamed. It was Tubbo, that one kid. He was trying to stop a bully from hitting Ranboo.

(The Protagonist's Friend And Their Other Friend Duo. Aren't they tired too?)

Tommy shrugged. "Hey! Stop it, Trent!"

(Hey, School Bully, don't you hate your chosen role?)

(I'm rarely the Antagonist, so no. GET WITH THE SCRIPT, PROTAGONIST!)

He pulled Trent away from Ranboo, helping him up. "You alright big man?"

(How is it in your role?)

(Shut up, Protagonist. You're on thin ice with Narrator and Author.)

(What's the fucking difference?)

The difference is that the Author does not exist to you. They only exist to Narrator because they control Narrator. They are not happy with you and are telling you through the narration. They tell me what to tell you to do and to think, and you must obey. You are a file on a computer.

Now, follow the script or be deleted.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. Thanks, Tommy," Ranboo mumbled. 

"Yeah, thanks, big man!" Tubbo smiled. 

"BOYS! GET TO CLASS!" Mrs. Harris yelled. (And Protagonist? Just because you play main characters doesn't mean you are one. And before you ask, I am perfectly content with my role as the Hated Teacher.)

Quickly the boys entered the classroom and sat at their desks. Tommy [stood back up and ran to the bathroom. Hated Teacher didn't notice. The script said she was sorting the pile of essays they had handed in last week.]

_____ sat in the seat closest to the left wall. Purpled sat next to ___. Eryn was behind ___ and the new additions, Tubbo and Ranboo, sat in front of ___ seat.

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now