not dream smp

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if you know the fandom then you'll know who's who, if not then just chill until the end where i put the fandom

also my tumblr is massivetyrantduck 

The man in the scarf knows he had to. Logically he knows that he was in the right, fulfilling his duty, and not murdering innocent men. He executed traitors, as was expected of him. He had to do what was expected of him.

He had to be perfect.

He must be respected, well known, a leader, a brother, a friend, a comrade. A hero.


He must be the perfect hero. 

He should be happy. He has a wife, a family, everything he wanted.

(I did this because I love you, my hero. You are mine.)

He has no faults. If he shows a fault, a weakness, he loses respect. Without respect, he loses his title, his everything, his purpose in life. No. He has to be perfect.


The man in the skirt has never pretended to be perfect. Not like the countless soldiers. Always bragging and getting drunk and having one night stands with pretty girls.

He has never been interested. He has always been shunned. His love is dead, and the only people who don't think bad things upon seeing him are his sister, whose mother was not his, and his otherworld counterpart.

Those he travels with  think his counterpart is cowardly and shy and quiet because they are opposites. He does not tell them that they are the same. He hides behind his snarky exchanges with one of the companions.

He hides behind walls of 'Don't Touch Me's and 'I Want To Be Alone's. He hides, he does not want them to know of his uncle. His lover. Those he failed. Those he left to die. 

He does not tell them much about him at all. He tells them the things they consider glorious, and they think him a hero.

He hides behind their oblivious innocence.


The man in the blue is not who they think he is. He is a boy.

He is young and still in puberty and they know and they treat him as such, but when situations arise he pretends to be older, and they pretend to believe.

He keeps a flask on him always. Every time he's home, he refills. He drinks sparingly, responsibly, and never lets them see. He is a pirate, and he would rather drink his problems away then acknowledge his past.

His sister. He never wanted to be one of the heroes. He was not destined by fate. When his sister was taken he ran after her, he forced his legacy to be one of a hero, and he was accepted.

They think him a hero. He does not have the courage to tell them otherwise. He simply drains his flask again, and they are none the wiser.

He knows some of them know, but they do not speak of it, and they do not tell those who would try to stop him. 


The man in the headband was never accepted.

They know he is an adult, but treat him as a child. His height has proven too short for his age. They do not respect him now, so he does not tell of them. He does not tell of the voices, of the control. He does not tell them why he sometimes cannot move.

He does not tell them why sometimes he has to wait thirty seconds after a question before he can answer. 

(Listen! He's saying something!)

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat