It's me or you

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Trigger Warning: death, sacrifice 

thanks @sofutomiruki for the idea sorry i didnt get around to it until now



The two collapsed against each other. This was a battle, a harsh one, and they were fighting a war they already knew they'd lose.

Dream, Technoblade, Philza.

They were going to die.

Shit Dream and Techno!

Both of the boys winced as their health began to go down. They had simultaneously been struck by an arrow, Tommy by Techno and Tubbo by Dream.

"We're going to die!" Tubbo cried. The two men walked away triumphantly. Their job was done.

"Wait, Tubbo I have regen." Tommy realized.


"Here, you have one." Tommy shoved his last potion at Tubbo, who immediately drank it. 

"Tommy drink yours!" Tubbo was healed.

Tommy smiled. "Bye Tubbo."


"Hi! I'm Ghostinnit! I remember you, you're my best friend!"

A/N sorry i missed this prompt

take care

I love you

hi my children (want to join the family? ask!)

please dont self harm or commit suicide

Bye Curtains! (suggest changes if you want one) (this one was really funny to me)

~Author/name to be decided

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant