for my first birthday i got a boy voice

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so im a hypocrite i decided not to take requests, but the people who requested were unaware of that fact and their ideas were really interesting and creative and detailed and i wanted to write them so i guess i went back on my word or something sorry

Tommy was in a zoom call with the SMP members. They were planning the script together, (they all shared a google doc) and nobody had any new ideas.

"Does no one have anything?" Dream sighed. "We have the Tommy and Tubbo reunion, the Ranboo sleepy bois whatever that was, we need something new. Exciting but not violent yet."

Now was his time! 

"I know something exciting and not violent we could do." Tommy stated calmly.

"I doubt that." Wilbur giggled.

"Tommy, not violent?" Techno laughed.

"Not a chance!" Niki declared.

"Let's hear him out, okay?" Dream said. "My mind is blank, anything will work."

"Okay," Tommy started, "so this is a character development of mine that I thought we could make canon, because it's real in real life, so why not in the script? Anyways, I would like to say this, even if we don't put it in the script."

"Okay, say it."

"I am, and my character technically is too, but I'm- I'm intersex."

"Oh? What's that Tommy?" Wilbur asked.

"It's like when you have bits of both male and female, I have a male voice, and a female anatomy. I hid it because people don't know about or understand being intersex. Some people assume it means you have both reproductive organs, which I don't know if that's true."

"Well thank you for telling us!" Eret audibly smiled. "I never knew there was yet another LGBT+ person on the SMP."

Tommy chuckled. "Well you've never seen me without a binder."

A/N this isnt really angst but i dont care

I love you all

Take care, please avoid self harm and suicide

Hello my children and their aunt!

Bye Chat!

~Author/River/most variations of parental titles

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