Don't do it

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ventfic. this is exactly how i've been feeling for the past few days, but i haven't done anything yet and i'm trying not to.

trigger: mentions of self harm, slight mention of suicide

Tommy was home alone. He was responsible. Nothing bad was happening. Just a boy and his dogs.

And this weird tingly feeling in his wrists. He hasn't hurt his wrists, at all. There's no reason for them to be tingly. The last time they were hurt was three years ago when he was playing Ultimate Frisbee, fell over, and sprained his right wrist.

So why do they feel weird?

It's been going on for several days. Could it be a mental health thing?

Tommy has anxiety and depression. But he hasn't been feeling anything related to either mental illness. So why does it feel wrong?

'Try talking to the feelings when they come up. You need to know why they feel this way. Then, you can explain to those feelings why it's actually fine, and tell them that you don't need them. Tell them to go away.' sort of what my counselor told me

His counselor had talked about this.

He tried.

Hey feelings? What do you mean? Why are you here?

You need to hurt yourself.


Because! Anywhere, wrists, legs, stomach, just cause yourself pain!

That's not a smart idea. Plus, there's no reason to.

You have to!

With what? A butter knife? What do I even have in my house, that if I were to self harm, I could use?

I don't care! Just hurt yourself! Do it!

This isn't healthy.

Maybe cutting would be healthy!

No it wouldn't. Cutting is a terrible habit which will only lead to worse things. I won't cut.

Well, are you just going to press your fingernails into your skin really hard then? That's self harm too, you're already self harming, just use a knife or some scissors!

It's better than cutting!

Don't lie to yourself.

I'm not. I won't cut.

Fine. But I'm not going away. You're going to agree with me someday, Tommy.

That's what you think.

I am you.

Not according to my counselor. You are a part of me, but you are not me. I am me. You are my anxiety, and I'm telling you that I do not need you. Go away.

You can never get rid of me.

No, but I can learn how to silence you. I trust my counselor. He deals with anxiety too, and he just tells it 'I don't need this. Go away.' If he can do it, I can try.

You should still cut yourself. Or kill your- nah. Nope. But cutting? Yes, do that.

A/N i'm going through some w e i r d shit. don't worry, i'm not going to cut. i have no reason to and nothing to cut with. plus, i know that it only leads to bad things. and i've never been suicidal. i'm just getting weird intrusive thoughts.

i really want to get to at least 100 chapters here. i'm actually close so... *wiggles eyebrows suggestively* maybe a few updates in a few weeks?

I love you all!

Please do not self harm or kill yourself



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