i havent updated in a while so

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Hi! It's been a hot minute. Life update! and some facts you might not know

Well, I have ADD apparently. (we been knew) I have a dog named Stanley and a cat named Ophelia. I was homophobic, decided that that was my opinion and i would respect those who were gay, and then Rosa Diaz decided to be super hot and now I'm pansexual. For a luckily small period of time, I was the girl who liked Warrior Cats. (it really was not as amazing as i thought it was. it was ehh)

Part of my brain was not developed, the corpus callosum. Has it affected me negatively? Yes. Do we know how? No. It's pretty hard to notice.

I dont take very good care of myself but i'm trying. i eat veggies sometimes and we're trying medication for sleep, mood, and focus.

my therapist is transphobic and homophobic. :( he's a good therapist tho! he hasn't told me that i'm wrong or anything, and I've told him I'm a pansexual gender fluid. he also gets to the roots of my issues, and I dont NEED him to affirm me. we just dont talk about it. (plz dont trash him)(just be sad with me)

Here's a poem I wrote for my sister a few years after I stopped being homophobic but several months before I started questioning. Warning: It's really bad, and also painfully obvious that I was not straight or a girl. also warning: it was going to be a song, so parts of it repeat/dont make sense.

The girls, guys, and gays

Here's to the girls, to the guys, to the gays

To those who change their pronouns every other day

Here's to the lesbians, here's to the bis

Here's to him, her, them, and I

Losing hope from all the homophobes

They say girls like boys, and boys like girls

Or those who assume you're a girl or guy

Without asking, or those who hate that you're bi

You wanna be accepted and wanna feel loved

Don't wanna stand out from the mostly straight crowd

Don't wanna be a girl or guy so neither

But people assume you're either

Here's to the girls, to the guys, to the gays

To those who change their pronouns every other day

Here's to the lesbians, here's to the bis

Here's to him, her, them and I

Well someday soon it's all gonna change

The once protesting people will change their ways

The angry ones with opposing views

Will let me be me and you be you

Here's the part where it's looking up

Here's the time when it all gets better

And most importantly for us

We can be and like who we want

Be and like who we want

Here's to the girls, to the guys, to the gays

Here's to an accepting family

Here's to being and liking who you want

Maybe we can change the world one by one

We will change the world one by one

Here's to the girls, to the guys, to the gays

Here's to an accepting family

Here's to being and liking who you want

Because we can change the world one by one

We will change the world one by one

Here's to the girls, to the guys, to the gays

To those who change their pronouns every other day

Here's to the lesbians, here's to the bis

Here's to him, her, them and I

We are changing the world one by one

We can be and like whomever we want

To every gay, bi, girl and guy

And to every them, and you and I

Here's to us, we will thrive

Together the gays, girls and guys survive

Well thanks for being here! 

I've got two one shots in the drafts right now.

I love you all so much, you are so valued.

Please refrain from self harm and suicide.

Take your necessary medications. Drink some water. 



Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now